Anyone know what kinda fish will eat hair algie...however you spell it. With the exception of the yellow tang, and snails. Everyone i talked to says nothing will eat the stuff, but this fish needs to fit in a 55 gal.
Hmmmm....I have a lawnmower and it doesn't really do a big job mowing algae. If you think the lawnmower will consume all your algae you might be disappointed. My suggestion would be to take care of the root of the algae problem. If its because of excess nutrients then using a Phosphate absorber helps a lot - like RowaPhos.
Well, they eat algae in small amounts, and they LOVE hair algae. Dont doubt the nature of the fish. Maybe yer particular fish dont eat it, but most others, maybe 98%, do. That would be yer best bet, plus they are cool additions to yer tank (great personality).
I already have an LMB, he dosent seem to eat the hair algie, and i have heard horrer stories about emrild crabs. People say that they will eat my dusters and eventuly turn aggressive, any info would help, thanks.
mine killed the love of my life, bella... the most purrty seahorse around.
After this occured he vanished, i looked everywhere for him cuz i wanted him OUT but he just like, POOFED... so then i decided the are the devil reincarnated meant to do the world's evil
How does yer lmb NOT eat hair algae?? Well, its emeralds and LMB, so there ya go... Mine isnt evil, and how is an lmb capable of killing a seahorse??? Did he suck it to death??
where r u located in ct so i can kick ur arse?
It bit it on the snout like, three times it hink and it didn't survive. Stress does the opposite of helping heal a wound.
I have to agree that an LMB is your best option. If the one you have isn't eating the algae, you might want to try another. I have one in a 125 and it truly lives up to it's name. Good luck!
well since we are on the algea subject anyone know what this is? i am sure i dont want it in my tank. lol its the little red things. they have gotten bigger since the pic. they look like little ballons but in a tube like fashion
Has anybody here actually SEEN an emerald crab acting aggressively? There's lots of speculation, but I haven't seen any firsthand accounts yet. I have a really big one (1.5") in my 100g and he hasn't bothered any of the snails, hermits or fish in the least. The only time I've seen him eating animal matter was when some zoos died and he was eating the dead polyps.
My husband put two emerald crabs into our 55 gallon tank and they did well for about a month until my son was watching the fish tank and yelled that the crabs were eating his bubbles fish (small yellow tang) I ran to the fish tank to see that the emeralds had pinned the tang between my live rock and were ripping pieces out of its dairy air. I tried to shew the crabs away but the damage had already been done. I immediately got rid of the murdering emeralds and have never put any back in my tank. I did buy my son another bubbles and it is doing wonderfully without the crabs.