Hair Algea problen


New Member
What is the most effective way to get rid of hair algea. I have had Phoso pads to remove the phos for three weeks now. Some die off but the rocks are still brown and the green algea is on the over flow, it looks like a green wheat field. Any suggestions?


New Member
Hey, i got a bunch of different crabs and theyve been eating away at it. Red and blue crabs seem to be the most efficient eaters. So, try some crabs. I cant help you with the green algae, I've got a problem with that myself. If you find out how to clear that crap up, let me know please!!


I had to take my rocks out and scrub each piece....haven't really had a problem since.


Originally Posted by canesfan
Please someone help me.

Get the crabs but IMO if you can take the rocks out and scub them. Also is your tank anywhere it gets indirect sunlight? Plus, how often are you feeding? I have the same problem but I keep pulling big clumps off and keeping semi under control. My coral is starting to spread over it and it it gets int he coral I pull as much out as I can and keep it up till the corla over takes it. I also have been using Phosban with no real die off but it is not spreading like weeds. If you pull it by hand make sure you do not let strands go and spread it in the tank.


Active Member
Reduce your lighting hours, or completely wrap your tank in a blanket or a heavy sheet this will kill all alage. Your fish will be fine, How are your phosphate levels? and how often do you feed? Also the wrapping idea cant happen if you have light sensitive stuff, i.e. corals, anenomes, etc..


Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Are they reef safe?
yes they are reef a search on all my post and you can see some pics of mine


I just got one of them puppies, and I'll attest they work. I've had him for two weeks now, and I'd say almost all of mine is gone. I call mine Shrek. Ugly sucker, but he does the job. Only see him out at night. I still haven't figured out where he hides during the day. He came out with a bunch of sand on him the other night, so he may be digging under the sand.


I have a friend that had that problem and they got a Sea Hare and it devoured all of the hair algae. Now they are having problems feeding it so they are thinking they will have to give it back to the LFS. Does anyone know if these will get killed/picked on by a lionfish, puffer, trigger or large angel?


I had one and he worked great....when he had cleaned it all up, I took him back to the LFS.
And btw, we named him Shrek as well!


Active Member
your always gonna have a bit most likely. it's just natural, remove it by hand if you don't like it. that i know of, it doesn't do any harm. and some animals eat it. i always thought the bright green hair algae looks kinda cool in water flow.


Originally Posted by ONEmorBEER
I have a friend that had that problem and they got a Sea Hare and it devoured all of the hair algae. Now they are having problems feeding it so they are thinking they will have to give it back to the LFS. Does anyone know if these will get killed/picked on by a lionfish, puffer, trigger or large angel?

As much algae that stays in most tanks, I don't think it'll have a hard time finding food. You can always drop in the algae discs or get the algae sheets. I'm pretty sure mine eats the sheets because I hang a 1" square piece for my tang. He nips at it a little, but I've seen them disappear overnight. I'm thinking it's the slug eating the rest. Nighttime is the only time I see mine come out. When I first got him, it was when the full lights were on, and my puffer didn't want anything to do with him.


Active Member
do they only eat hair algae? what about diatoms and cyano?
also, are we talking about tridachia crispata (lettuce nudibranch) or dolabella auricularia (dolabella sea hare), as ive heard both of them referred to as "sea hare".


Active Member
also, are we talking about tridachia crispata (lettuce nudibranch) or dolabella auricularia (dolabella sea hare), as ive heard both of them referred to as "sea hare".


Active Member
Originally Posted by ONEmorBEER
I have a friend that had that problem and they got a Sea Hare and it devoured all of the hair algae. Now they are having problems feeding it so they are thinking they will have to give it back to the LFS. Does anyone know if these will get killed/picked on by a lionfish, puffer, trigger or large angel?
i got a seahare for my tank once and the second it hit the water my dogface ate it.. 20$ gone in a second. So i would say no to being safe with those fish.