Hair Algea?


Active Member
I just looked at the cleanup packages they offer on this site and the only one I would recommend would be the big 20 reef package because every other one has coral banded shrimp which can be rather nasty to its roomates (so I've heard).
I know I mentioned it already but I wouldn't worry to much about numbers like 8.0 pH. If you start trying to fix every number that is slightly off you'll probably find yourself making more problems.


Active Member
Ok, one more thing I'd like to mention. You can probably add some macroalgae to your display which is fairly easy to harvest and it will take the nutrients before the hair algae can and might help you out.


just to give you an idea,
this is my 2.5m old tank.
just took this pix 2 min ago
You might want to cut down amount of light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
just to give you an idea,
this is my 2.5m old tank.
just took this pix 2 min ago
You might want to cut down amount of light.
thats wat im talking about i think my tank is capable of looking like that its just got that green tent. my lights are on for about 8 hrs a day


Active Member
You know I don't have any pics but I use chaeto, and many fish stores sell it. There are plenty of other types of macro algaes that work but chaeto happens to be one of the most popular lately.


Active Member
i accually just got all new light for my pc lighting
so i know thats not the problem
i guess i can ask my lfs about the other algea. is it ugly or is it kinda cool looking?
sry i know thats kinda dumb


Active Member
I think it is kind of cool looking, At on point I had it in my display but my yellow tang started to eat it. looks like a ball of curly green spagetti (chaeto that is)


Active Member
haha ok sounds good i can always hide it somewhat thanks for all the help guys i hope i can get this under control.
thanks again you may have kept me in the hobbie if i can get this fixed


Jerhunter>>Those green chaeto is not good for your Tang.
It's not edible.
The brown one is edible.
you need to be careful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
Jerhunter>>Those green chaeto is not good for your Tang.
It's not edible.
The brown one is edible.
you need to be careful.
I took the Chaeto out of the display because the tang started to eat it so I don't have to worry any more.
Good luck patrick, the other option for macroalgae is getting a type of hang on fuge or if you have a sump, mounting a light and making it a fuge.


Active Member
yea i posted a thread in this forum about refegiums
i have a 5 gallon tub thats clear and i want to turn it into a fuge
i have a filter i can use and i can spare some sand from my display tank. i can use the water from my display tank as well so i wont have to cycle or anything. the only thing i an worried about is light and geting the water back in to the tank. i dont really have any money and i can set up the tank with no cost but routing it back to my tank is wat im worried about and also plants. wat do i need in it?


Active Member
I'm back. Well I think you might not have the right idea for a fuge. A 5 gallon tub is fine. You can use basically anything that holds water, but you don't need the cycle the fuge or give it it's own filter. You need to get water from your main tank to it and back to the main tank. Generally this is down with an overflow box and a return pump of some kind. If you try pumping to the overflow and pumping back you'll have to worry about balancing the flow from the pumps which I don't recommend. You can buy premade overflow boxes that hang on the tank, hook up to a hose and deliver water to your fuge. Then find a pump that will give you the right amount of flow for the difference in height of your fuge and tank. A simple setup I used on my tank before installing an overflow was using a hang on filter (millenium 3000 in my case) and putting the chaeto in that and mounting a light over the top of the filter. Worked pretty well I think.


Active Member
thanks so much for all the help
that helps alot!
i dont really have any money right now to set all that up but i guess that can be my next project!


30-xtra high

Active Member
there are way cheaper ways to solve your problems...
#1. buy a lawnmower blenny., the entire back of my tank was covered in hair algae, and within a week it was gone cause i bought a 5$ lawnmower blenny.
#2. if you want a fuge, don't buy a overflow box. you will end up paying 60$ for the overflow box, and 30 for the pump.
instead buy 2 of the EXACT SAME pumps, and take one of them and put it in your main tank, and where it blows the water really fast into your tank, put fish tube on it leading into your fuge.
then put the other pump on the other side of your fuge (other side from where the fish tube leads in), and where it blows the water out really fast connect fish tube leading back up to your tank.
so instead of paying 60$
30$ wich will equal 90$ plus tax.
you can buy 2 pumps for 30$ each, and only pay 60$ plus tax.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tk
Sorry for busting in on your thread, but what the heck is "chaeto?"
Thanks, TK
it's a form of macroalgae aka spagetti algae


Active Member
ok thats cool
but my lfs is really expensive because they are the only ones around here and a lawnmower blenny would be like 25-30 bucks