Hair Algie getting out f hand....HELP!

hey everyone, last time i posted about a hair algie problem i tried everything you guys said might help....sadly it didnt work, i tried emerald crabs, yellow tangs and lawnmower blennies, anyone got any would REALLY help, the alagie is getting out of hand, i cant pick it anymore, its just growing back too fast...any suggestions?


Check the phosphate levels in your tap water. That may be causing you the problem. I have had to battle a cyano problem due to using bad top off water.


There is a product called Phos-Guard. I put some in a filter floss bag in my filter and it should lower your phosphates. It needs to be in a high flow area.


Active Member
The algae will go into "remission" IMO it never is really gone.
I bet that phosphate is your problem.
My tap water is loaded with phosphates.
Some people have had good luck with algone.


Active Member
man hair alge is a big dookie butt.. i have and my fish tank up and runnig for over 1 1/2 years know and i dont ever get crazy amout of alge... it's probaly the water u use as u guyz said before.. i the water i ever use in my tank is water from my 5 stage ro/di water.. filter... it works for me... and it dont hurt to give my fishes good water...ohh and also.. how os light in your tank??? do it have sunlight?? or are u keeping your light on too long?? alge is a plant like thing.. they need light to survive soo... more lihgt = mo growing.. so if u tank is by a window.. cover it up with a nice n dark blind...


i have the same problem in my 20.....
you take the rocks out and clean them with an old toothbrush.... it cuts down on some of it....
we normally do it during water changes....