hairy algea? help


since i changed my floursent lights to a (2) 48 inch 20,000ks , i have noticed that the algea has went wild in the tank, especially on the back side. is this nomal? or how can i prevent so much of the growth? help help <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

david s

just make sure you dont have nitrate or phosphate and use ro/di water or get your tap tested other than that some algie critters maybe a phophate or nitrate spounge if you have any. it will start going away also you could try runing lights a hour or so less for a little while and let tank adjust to new light


New Member
remember to keep your tank out of direct sunlight.and algae eaters are always a good idea. i have a lawnmower blenny who doesnt do his job(i have the only carniverious blenny in the free world) so i got 4 mexican snails and 2 red star fish.they go to town baybee!! when you first put them in you can actually see the tracks through the algae. kinda cool.but they keep it nipped down great.


Active Member
How long are your lights on, because the photo-period should be no longer than 12 hours, and maybe closer to 10. Is yours much or any longer than this?