Hairy Growth!!


New Member
If my live rock is covered with
hairy algae and I have increased
1. circulation and
did substantial water change-but it keeps
coming back.
Do I cut the lughting for say 2-3 days Will that help? ..or do I need to change my bulb to a better
quality one?
Thanks Anyone
I had this problem with brown algae or diatoms. I bought 4 Turbo Snail for a 29 gal tank. They will take care of diatoms. If you have green algae then I dont know what to use. Turning off the light is not the most effective way to get rid of them. A lack of light will kill the algae and it will fall off but when you turn the light back on it will start right back up again and usually faster than before. Hope this helped.


turn off the lights, lawn mower blendies do a good job, snails, starfish, crabs, all of these do a great clean up job..


Active Member
Do you have a Clean up crew in there? Snails and crabs will eat algea if it is at a managable level. If it is too tall they will not touch it. You will need to manually remaove it first.
The thing you need to find is where it is coming from. Nitrates, phosphates, and old lightining are some possibilities. If you are using bad water 2 of the things listed can come from that.
I would not recomend cutting the lights. It will just come back once they are turned on again. You need to find the source and fix that.
I have bataled the demonic Hair. The nitrates in my old tank were the problem. Due to the fact I did not do regular water changes and fed my fish alot (big ol' naso tang) they were allowed to build up. Once I started the new 180 and followed a schedule they have since disapperead. I added 100 blues 100 scarlets and 100 snails to keep all algea under control and have never been happier. I have not seen any spots since then.
Once you get all your maintance on schedule and you add the apporite number of clean up critters, your tank will pretty much take care of itself. The most beautifull tanks I have seen have been the ones that have the least amount of work going on to them. Minimal is the key! Let the tank mates do all the work. You just supply the water!
Good Luck :)


New Member
Thanks everyone for the input
I'm constantly learning everyday.
Getting hook on this hobby.
My wife is complaining..that I might
turn into a hermit crab!


Active Member
You will.... Trust me on that..
My wife is always telling me how much more I love my tank than here... She's right though. There are plenty of women in the sea.. I mean.. oh well.. she can be replaced but my Leathers are one of a kind!
i dont have a wife...but my girlfriend gives me crap because I look at it so much. She says I am like a 1st grader. lol.