Haitian Live Rock???


:thinking: I'm looking to add some LR to my 10g and I called the only LFS in my area that sells LR/lb to check their prices. I was told that they only carry Haitian LR at 6.00/lb fully cured. I asked about Fiji LR becuse that seems to be what most others on here use and the man I was speaking to told me that Fiji is "bottom-of -the line" LR and that Haitian was 10x better for SW tanks. Does anyone use this and would you say this is true?? I really want some LR for my tank but don't want to get "taken". Thanx. :help:


Active Member
I've got 25lb of that rock in my aquarium but I only paid $2.25 on the net, it has really neat shapes and I'd guess is only about 10% covered in coraline, I'd say its about on the same level as a fiji but depends on which grade fiji you get, I definately wouldn't consider mine top quality but is great for $2.25


thanks for the info but i don't want to buy it online, the shipping is too much for what i need, i only need 15-20lbs for my 10g, i was jus wondering if anyone knew if this rock is usually of good quality? :notsure:


Active Member
the rock is only $1.49 per pound shipping 2day, and psychoskater I believe the place you're talking about is where I got mine for and they raised their price back up, the $1.65 was a sale


I paid $4/lb at a local LFS and feel that I got ripped off. The rock that I got has great shapes and lots of caves but little to no life or coralline algea. I thought that maybe I got a bad batch but I saw some Haitian at another LFS and it looked identical to mine and they were selling it as base rock at $1.99/lb.
I paid $4.35 for some Eva rock and it's unbelievable how much better quality it is.
I cured both in my tank before adding any critters. The Haitian rock is a dull brown color with a few coralline spots. The Eva is completely covered with vibrant purple/pink/green coralline and had hitchikers on board ranging from mollusks to crabs to featherdusters to bristleworms.
I would consider it a good deal if you can get Haitian at base rock prices.