Halide Clip on??


I recently ordered the Nano 12 gallon. I want to do corals and checked into the custom site but their custom hoods are a little too much for me right now. However I did see that some sites sell a 70W halide clip on. I would have to scrap the original hood and use a piece of plexi glass or plastic (and holes so that heat won't build up) to cover the tank.
Would 70W for 12 gallons be sufficient for most corals? ( i mainly want zoos!)


Active Member
You could basically keep all corals with that light. Thats a rough estimate of 5.8w per gallon. PAR is more imporatant but watts are a good guestimate. The higher light rquired corals could be placed higher. Just my opinion.


Yeah, while cycling i'm going to see how much water i loose to evaporation just to see if its doable without a top. if i don't loose too much water then i probably wouldn't have a heat problem either, hopefully!!
I forgot to get some salt (use Instant Ocean for my 110 fowlr) for the nano so right now its just sitting there w/ RO water. I'll be monitoring the temp and evaporation levels with the halide on until then.