Halide question


Think I would be able to get away with just have one metal halide bulb on my 90 gallon tank? I have found a outer orbit 36 inch fixture with one metal halide and two pc strips on it and was wondering if that would work on my tank.


Active Member
How many watts, of the MH bulb? In any case I believe that 2- 250 watt MH bulbs would better suit you as this will spread the light out from one end of your tank to the other. IMO one light over the center will starve the ends of your tank so anything than need that high intensity light will need to be placed in the middle of your tank.


Active Member
If you have a center brace on top (which you should) putting a halide right over the top of that is only going to rob you of more light, and leave you with a nasty shaddow. A single halide will cover about a 2'x2' area. For the 90's depth, you're going to want 250w.