Halide question


First question, What wattage would be the best for a 75 gallon tank? Second, Would it be better to have 1 fixture with that wattage or to split the wattage between two bulbs for better light coverage.


I would do two 150watt halides with actinics. They make really nice 4' long fixtures that have two halides and 2-4 actinic bulbs. For example, I have a Coralife AquaLight Pro 6' that has 3 halides and 4 actinics. Not that I would recommend a Coralife fixture since there are better out there and I've modded the cr@p out of mine in the past year or so, but it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about.


Active Member
When I first starting running the 10k XM's I wanted to smash the bulbs.....They are bad looking, but took me a while to find the sweet nipple orientation on the bulb and they actually burned as an ice blue color.....