Halides for my 16 gal. Nano?


Since this got no response in the Newbie forum...I'll try here. Hopefully you guys will have some suggestions.
I am looking to upgrade lighting on my 16 gal. bow front. I currently have an Orbit 80w and I really like it, just want more light. Since I don't have a canopy, I need to find an all-in-one unit. Tank is 20" wide and so far I have only been able to find a 24" fixture. I did find a JEBO 20", but due to all the bad things I've heard I think I want to avoid that one.
I am looking at the Outer Orbit 24" which has 150w 10,000k MH, 2 - 65w Actinics, and moonlights. Here are my questions:
1. Would a 24" fixture work on a 20" tank?
2. Would this much light be overkill?
3. Any other suggestions?


There is a Coralife Aqualight 20K 150W MH attatched to a Nano 12 at the LFS in my town. It looks incredible. It is the type that "clips" onto the tank and booms out over the water - looks like a desk lamp. Great shimmer effect and really adds to the tank. I think you can get it for around $230.


I was going to recommend the same fixture. I've seen it available through several online retailers as well.


I saw the clip on fixture, but wasn't sure I wanted to give up my actinics.
I didn't even think about the heat, but it probably would be an issue. Thanks for the reminder Viper!
Thanks for the suggestions!!!


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I think that most likely will cause heating problems. Look into a 70 watt halide instead.
Could be an issue, yes. The particular setup in my LFS has the fixture about 7-8 inches off the water. The tank is, of course, open. No chiller there. The local guru said that the distance from the water prevented over heating and the light itself has heat displacing fans on the sides. I've ordered a 24g JBJ Nano and this is the set up I will eventually shoot for. The shimmer effect is amazing, plus it will open doors to new corals, clams and other animals unavailable to the compact user.


Doesn't look as nice, but I use 175MH pendants suspended 12-14" above my tanks... If you want to get that blue actinic look, You could go with a blueline 10,000K+ bulb. I use the blueline bulb over one of my tanks, which gives off a similar look. (maybe a little too blue for my liking)
Here is a pic of my 44pent so you can get the idea...


Active Member
Aloha- I am in the same boat you are. 16 gallon bow with 80 watts PC but need more light to keep my zoas looking their best. I was considering the clip-on Aqualight since I can't ceiling mount a pendant but am concerned with givng up my 24 hour lighting system. Just wondering if you decided on something one way or another.


Active Member
I should maybe share my new crazy thought with you just for giggles, I am considering getting a 24 nano with built in halides instead, just starting a whole new tank. It would only run me about $100 more than the lighting for the other tank and I could move my pickier zoanthids into that tank and keep the other as a softie reef.


I decided to go for the new SunPod 150W fixture. It is made by the same company as my Orbit's I had before. It has a 150W 14,000k metal halide bulb and 6 blue led moonlights and 6 white led moonlights. I paid $271.00 shipped from my favorite auction site!
I kind of had the same mentality as you did! I figured if this fixture caused any heating issues I would go back to my old fixture on this tank and find a bigger tank to use the new one on! I've been running it for about 5 days now and I love it! No problem with heat so far either. I do have to top-off a little more often though.
I had a small patch of zoas that looked greenish brown at best under my old lights and now are looking very green. Everything is just looking brighter and better, although at first I almost couldn't look at the tank directly it was so bright!
Running both sets of moonlights is great for nighttime viewing, but too bright in my opinion to leave on all night. I've been just leaving one or the other on (The MH, and both moonlights have their own switch). I'm still trying to decide if I like the 14k bulb, it may be a bit too white. I don't have many corals yet, so will probably wait until I get more to decide, but I may try the 20k when its time to change the bulb just to see.
Since we have the same tank, I'd love to see some pics of yours sometime! Good luck with whatever you decide!


Active Member
Sounds like you made a good decision! You are ready to start adding those corals now for sure. Here is a picture of my tank. Post some of yours too if you can, it is hard to see it well in your avatar. :joy:



Very nice Fishmamma! :cheer:
Wow, mine really needs some more color! And some new pictures...I just looked for one to post and realized I haven't taken a pic since I set it up in February!
I'll try to get one up tomorrow, I was just in there messing around so everything is kind of stirred up at the moment.


Thanks Fishmamma!
Actually, that was my original aquascaping which was done when the tank was set up in February and I was pretty happy with it.
We are in the process of remodeling our livingroom, so I recently moved it to another room and I am not happy at all with the way the rock is set up now. I didn't really try too hard because its only temporary. When I move it back I am going to try to replicate my original set up.
Here is a larger picture of the way it looks in my avatar:


I didn't get a chance to get a picture taken before the halides went off today, but I did take pics of it first with only the blue moonlights and then only the white moonlights running. Gives you an idea of the amount of light you get with them anyway. With both of them on the tank is pretty bright (for moonlights anyway).
I will try to take one with the halides on tomorrow. Although I am getting a little algae outbreak all of a sudden. Don't know if its my tank getting used to the new lights or what, so it doesn't look that great, but at least you will be able to see how the halides look.



Active Member
Very cool, thanks for taking those. I am interested to see the tanks hot with the halides on. Any fish in there? Sorry to hear about the algae outbreak, probably is due to the new lights. No biggie- it will go away slowly in time. :joy: ***)


Well, this picture isn't very good. Unfortunately I have no other light in that room right now (another remodel in progress) so it was taken in the dark with only the halides on. I don't think it is a good representation of what the light actually looks like. I will be home during the day on Friday, so I will try and get a better picture in the daylight.
Right now there is my big cleaner shrimp who you can see in this pic and two fish...a yellow clown goby and a six line wrasse who hides a lot and does not play well with others! My son really wants a clownfish, and we tried one but the six line picked him to death within an hour. I'm thinking of starting another tank with my old lights and putting him in there so we can get a clown in this tank.
By the way Fishmamma, sorry to burst your bubble on your retro-fit idea! I seriously debated whether I wanted to spend $270 on new lights for a tank this small, but then I added up the cost of a larger tank, all the equipment, LS, LR and of course halides, and I decided it was much more economical to splurge on the lights for the tank I have. See...you just have to rationalize it!!!


Active Member
I think it looks good Aloha. You could do a pair of Ocellaris in a ten gallon for your son with the old lights and have a great set-up or do what you mentioned above and move the wrasse. No bursting of bubbles, just a reality check on the retrofit thing. New lights are definatly less than a whole new set-up, but a new set-up means new fish. :help:
I saw the plat and some shrooms but else do you have in there? Is it a torch? I should go back and read, sorry if you already told me.


Thanks for the compliment. I will probably never be happy with it, I'm always messing around with something and usually think other's tanks look better than my own. I just need to rearrange the rocks a little bit because they are too close to the sides to clean the glass. There are a couple of larger pieces in the back that don't really fit in, so will probably move those to the other tank when I get it going.
I thought about doing the clowns in another tank but have decided I want them in this one. I like the wrasse, but you really don't see him that much. And clowns are so colorful and fun to watch so I'd like them in this tank which will go back in our livingroom when we are done remodeling.
Here is a list of the few corals that I have so far:
Star Polyps
Pulsing Xenia
Green Zoos
Candy Cane Frag (burgundy & teal)
Green Plate
Giant Fuzzy Mushroom (green & pink)
Umbrella Mushroom
Couple of Green Ricordias floating around in there somewhere
I can't get over how much better everything is doing under the new lights. I'm excited to add some new colorful items, but with Christmas coming it will probably have to wait. Can't exactly wrap them up and put them under the tree!

I will get a picture of the tank with the halides on taken sometime this afternoon and get it posted for you.