Halides for my 16 gal. Nano?


Active Member
Nice assortment of corals, I would like to get a candy cane next. All my presents are in the tank already.
Now you have me considering your light set-up instead of the clip on Aqualight. :hilarious


Yeah, if it was just me and hubby I would probably have presents in the tank too. But, since our son is only 2-1/2 we have to have things to open too so he realizes it's not all just for him.

Well, one big advantage of my SunPod is the moonlights. I really like the fact that I can have just the blue moonlights, or just the white moonlights, or both. So far I couldn't be happier with my SunPod. :cheer:
Ok, I've realized I better keep my day job, because I am definately NOT a photographer! lol. Now the picture has a glare from my windows. I just can't win! It still doesn't look as good in the picture as it is in person, but will give you an idea anyway.


Active Member
Oh no, that looks nice!! I can see a difference. :cheer:
I have a 20 month old who loves his fishies too.


Active Member
How long have you had your clown goby for? What and how often do you feed him?
I have wanted one for quite a while but LFS says they do not last long in captivity and from what I have read they can esily starve in an aquarium with other fish. Just wondering what your experience has been since your little guy is always out and about. :notsure:


Really? I always thought they were pretty hardy and I've had no trouble with mine. I usually feed every day, sometimes every other day, and I use a variety of Formula 1, Brine Flakes, New Spectrum pellets, and an assortment of frozen food. I do usually crush a flake up a little bit so there are smaller pieces for him, but he eats anything and everything that goes in the tank!
Yellow Fish (my son named him...very creative huh?) was the first fish I added after my cycle completed back in February. Doesn't swim much but is almost always in view and perched on something so he is my favorite!


Active Member
Nice Tanks everyone. Questions??? I have a 20 g with hard and soft corals and three fish. I am lucky enought to have a buddy that will frag me at will, but I am worried about water quality. I test 00 and ~5 on nitrates, CA ~400 and am adding Iodine and Purple up about every other day. I am doing ~5 gallon water change every 2+ weeks w/ RO. I run a skilter 250 filter /skimmer combo and a power head. Do I need a refugium or additional filtering? Lights are corallife 2 X65 W. ANy thoughts?


Active Member
Hi Grumpygills- How do you like your Skilter? Do you get a nice dark skimmater from it? (Is the rating 250 gph?)
I would add another powerhead with a FLO Rotating Deflector on it for water flow.
Are you dosing Calcium at all?
What type of corals- LPS or SPS? SPS would likely need more light.
One more question- are you testing iodine levels? An overdose will wipe out your entire tank and every other day dosing sounds high to me.

Lucky for you getting all those frags, can you post any pics of the tank? :joy: