Halides on during cycle??


with no corals in tank yet, should i even have the halides on during cycle? i have 2 65w actinics on for 12 hours and 2 moon lights on when the actinics are off. right now i have a 150w hqi MH on for 4 hours....should i just leave it off until corals?
i have 118g corner, nothing but sand so far in the fuge (just put a phos-reactor phosphate filter hanging off side of fuge) waiting for trites to get to 0 before putting plants in fuge.


if that is your chiller under your tank, that's not a good spot for it, it will get very hot. i dont think you need the halides on


no I wqouldnt leave them on your going to go through some nasty algae blooms all tanks go through and if you have them on it will feed the bloom that much more.
That looks kinda like a canister filter to me.


Active Member
Really no need to run the halides and such will feed the algae bloom as mentioned......The chiller will throw off heat, but make sure it's totally open in the back and has good air flow.....That is definitely a chiller not a canister filter there!!!!


the two back sides of the stand are wide open...not enclosed, and are about 10 inches from each wall. have a heat controlled cooling fan down there and a fan in the light itself on the fuge. its a chiller with lots of open room in front and behind it (stand not enclosed) i havent even had the chiller come on yet....set at 78 and i havent had the MH on for for than 6 hours a day. now to 4....but tonight when i get home will just turn them off. temp has been between 76 and 77. yes...its tight down there but enough room to operate with (i hope) i put some chromis in there a week ago....LFS gave them to me no cost...and in the bag was a ghost shrimp (we didnt see it till got home). i thought for sure it wouldnt make it, but i figured would help the initial ammonia spike so i put him in there. i didnt see him for 5 days. figured dead for sure. this weekend he was all over the place....i cant believe he made it!!! ammonia had spiked pretty good too, i thought he was the reason...nope. a few days ago brown algea started, so turning off MH should help and i added a phos-reactor hanging off fuge yesterday. i think by end of this week i might be good to go. ammonia has come down from way over 1 to less than .25 nitrites were at like 4 or so, now less than .25 and trates really havent done anything yet. which is weird...i figured trites going down so much, i would see trates...not yet.