halides without much heat


I really like halides and I seem to be reading a lot of threads by people concerned about trapping heat with metal halide hoods.
Besides traditional pendants, there are some great fixtures out there now that are easily adjustable vertically, and by their design, don't trap heat.
For example, have you seen this German bad boy, the Aquaspacelight?

Or this HQI setup?

If I were itching to buy a halide fixture, I would seriously look at these kind of setups or using heavy duty light stands like I did to suspend the lamp above the water.
Of course, you gotta pay to play with these examples, but if you are a DIY guy maybe this will give you some other ideas.
Cool lights though, either way, eh?


custom aquatic's web site has the first one.
marine monster's has the second one.
let me know if you pick one up!!!


biz I don't know if that is kosher here, just do a search for monolith marine monsters. you will find it.
there are other sites out there too for both.


Not off hand. I know I have seen them, keep digging.
I am positive I have also seen ads for them in F.A.M.A. magazine. God, I think I went two weeks without mentioning that mag, a new record.
By the way, the Aquaspacelight starts off with a 70 watt halide bulb! I have never seen a halide that small.
I am not sure if you were the madman who wanted to put a halide over a 20 long, but if so, I would go that route if I ruled out pc's.


Yeah I am that mad man. I like the 2nd hood. I think it will be alot cooler than my original plan. The search continues.....


Originally posted by golfish:
<strong>Your alway's going to get less heat from a fixture like that...........it a matter of choice. Cash has a lot to do with it also.
1120 watt's over my 150 heats the tank up a lot. I have an open back canopy and no chiller.....Yet :) </strong><hr></blockquote>
Golfish: just wanted to let you know the link in your sig isn't working properly. It takes me to a screen asking me to enter the aol username. I entered your username sf49er1959 and it allowed me to view your page... just fyi :)


You link works!
By the way, my intention with this thread was to point out some options that I thought some people were not ~aware~ of. It's always a matter of choice, but they should know what their choices are. From what I was reading, they didn't.
Nice tank!