Halimeda Calcareous Algae

Does anyone know where one can buy Halimeda Calcareous Algae online? I am looking into the benifits of adding any macro algea EXCEPT Calurpa. I have heard Calurpa can overgrow ones tank. I cannot really set up a separate refug for now so I heard Halimeda Calcareous Algae, or other Calcareous algaes are great for using up algea growing nutrients in the water that would otherwise grow hair algea. And that Calcareous algae will not overtake ones tank.
Any comments?
Online Sources for this algae?
Wow, I would really appreciate that. Explain shipping, and how much it would cost.
Please give me some details, or direct me to a site that gives instructions on how to keep this algae. You mentioned that is is the best for refugiums...does that mean that I cannot keep it in my main tank? I have seen some people build eggcrate in-tank box refugiums that keep fish out. What do you suggest?
One last thing. I currently add liquid calcium from Kent. If I keep levels around 450 should that be fine?
Thanks again.
Two more questions.
I am ultimately trying to eliminate unwanted algae by adding desirable algae. Will adding this Halimeda Calcareous Algae help with my goal?
And because Halimeda Calcareous Algae does not reproduce sexually, does this mean that it needs to be replenished from time to time when it dies?
Thanks again for your help. I will try with the no feeding for a week or so. I think there is plenty of turf algae for them to scourge on. I also have been adding DT's live phytoplankton. I hope this has not been contributing to my algae.
Thanks again.