As in halloween HERMIT crab? I have heard of them and seen pic's of them. Never had them or seen them live. I have heard they are ok to have but have not heard from many who have kept them.
Yes, a hermit. Sorry. He was kind of strange looking. Legs that look like a witch costume I am going to do a seach on them. He was very interesting, I really wanted him, but just wanted to check here. I hope someone here has or had one.
Thomas you are one up on me. I went there and found it too.
Kind of looks like witchy legs hanging over something.
What do you think about him? Its very interesting in person.
I have had one for several months and didn't know what it was called. Called it my Pippy long stocking crab. I've never had any trouble with it. I had GSP, Xenia's, Toadstool and Mushrooms with it. No problem.
I actually have 2 halloween hermits. Mine look quite differently than the pic posted though. They are orange then black stripped on their legs with black claws. I have mine in a full reef setting and have had ZERO problems with them. I also have approx 15 blue leggers with ZERO problems there as well.