Halo 2 and xbox live


if you have halo 2 and x box live post your gamertag and ill add u to my friends list and well start a sweet kick azz clan mine is opticaldragoon


i play it but it's my roommates account
fav map isssss.. hmmm not beaver creek thats for sure
i like the pistol/machine gun combo(i dont know the exact terms)


no sniping useing skills to hit a person in the head and or in the neck i rarely use the snipers tho im really go at sniping with carbin and battle rifle


im just saying you dont ever get much action in terms of adrenaline rush when killing mass amounts of people up close...
you should try counter strike source


thats not all i got im porbally one of the best ctfers cause i melee much better than i shoot i love melee its soo fun and u get thrill there


Active Member
no you dont see as much action sniping but i seem to get more kills when i do. but i get plenty of kills when i dont snipe
my gamer tag is bum darts
im in a clan called brokenheadpeice



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
sniping.... "being a player without actually joining the game"

lol thats from one of the pictures in CS:S


God, I hate snipers! I mean, using a sniper rifle some of the time is okay and sometimes necessary, but my God in heaven I get tired of some little fawker up in the corner blowing your head off as soon as you get the flag two feet away from your base. It's always what would be the winning flag to.
Ooh! The most annoying thing is when the damn portal gets blocked! (Halo 1 here) Some

shoves a warthog over the portal exit in Blood Gulch and suddenly you find yourself standing wide out in the open with a flag that just as well be fireworks saying "Please kill me!".
The coolest kill I ever saw was when two of my friends were playing at Boarding Action. My friend was trying to dodge out of the way of his cousin's sniper bullets and fell down into the pit. He had one kill to go before he won. He pulled up the sniper rifle and shot him on the way down! It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen.
Halo2 was the more overrated than St. Anger. Sad. I liked Halo 1 better.



Originally posted by AutoPilot
lol thats from one of the pictures in CS:S

yeah im surprised you found that! its kind of hidden



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
yeah im surprised you found that! its kind of hidden

I spent alot of time shooting everything including the pictures and peices off the comptuers in Office. :yes: