Halo 2


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkvjl
whats ownage?

Man... you dont know what ownage is? You s3ri0usly n33d t0 practic3 ^ y0ur l33t put3r skillz.
[]D [] []/[] []D .... ooo{====- -====}ooo
;) :) =c) =c(
Complete ownage. PWN3D!
Now go out and learn this stuff@once.


Active Member
hehe so if we're gonna post levels
Team slayer - 25
Team skrimish - 20
Double Team - 20
Team Preview - 19
Head to Head - 15


Halo 2 is an good game. I am more of a realistic FPSer, like COD and CS. Halo 2 just gets old after awhile.


Active Member
I don't come here much anymore, but the words "Halo 2" caught my eye. =)
I love this game! I skipped my first class the day it came out to get a copy. I didn't have much time to play it during school, but now I play it all the time on Xbox Live. My friends, who are PC gamers, are even starting to get into it. They're pretty bad at it but it's still fun playing with 'em.
Gamertag is SoulFire00 if anyone's interested in playing sometime.



I only play Halo 2 online....and I enjoy it, but I cant wait for Madden 06!