Halo 2


Active Member
i dunno hom many young ppl theyare on here but does anyone play halo 2 and have a gamer tag on x-box live if soo post your name and ill add you my gamer tag is KCpg13


i dont play halo2 ... but i play COD 2!!! gamertag -- detroitredwings.... my xbox is being fixed right now


Originally Posted by kclester
i dunno hom many young ppl theyare on here but does anyone play halo 2 and have a gamer tag on x-box live if soo post your name and ill add you my gamer tag is KCpg13
halo 2 baby is the way to go. I havent been on that much this week, but i do go on a good amount, usually late night.
gamertag is xrobbx03 same as my id on here.
How about halo 3 you have it pre-ordered yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
halo 2 baby is the way to go. I havent been on that much this week, but i do go on a good amount, usually late night.
gamertag is xrobbx03 same as my id on here.
How about halo 3 you have it pre-ordered yet.
its preordered

well i havent been on h2 for about a week.. i used to be about 30 material after reset about a week ago.. now im TRASH!
i dont play much now cus of school but add me if u want..


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
join the salty fishes clan!
add inactivepinoy
who in their right minds woudl want to join this bk's clan?!!!
just kidding with u..
i left by accident... send me another inv? no one is on tho.. only downside..
o yeah. thee are hundred h2 threads in here.
for accts
i haveeee umm 2 many
SHiiT HaPpNS BK (might of expired? idk i have a 3 monnth)
KSI Fxxx BuDdY


Active Member
Mine is being fixed but once its back.....Oh I miss it. My GT is Charger21_SD(Or charger21 sd not sure if there is an underscore, haven't been on lately LOL). Join Salty Fishes Clan and my GT is on there. Hey Inactive, how many people do we have on that clan now? Haven't been on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Mine is being fixed but once its back.....Oh I miss it. My GT is Charger21_SD(Or charger21 sd not sure if there is an underscore, haven't been on lately LOL). Join Salty Fishes Clan and my GT is on there. Hey Inactive, how many people do we have on that clan now? Haven't been on.
there are some ppl in there.. but no one is ever active.
send a clan invite to my new tagg
(my old one expiredd..)
and charger..- there is no inderscore lol


Active Member
Send me a friend invite. I can't accept it or send you a clan invite yet, but Inactive can. Thanks for the info on my screen name, LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Send me a friend invite. I can't accept it or send you a clan invite yet, but Inactive can. Thanks for the info on my screen name, LOL.

ok i will. i have sent u a few i think lol
and ill sne du one on my new one.. lol but when do u expect ur box back? b4 h3 right?!!!
lets hope lol


Active Member
My gamertag is n0integrity.
Can't wait for number three!
Already have my limited edition pre-ordered


Active Member
Ya hopefully. THey should have gotten it by now, hopefuly it won't take too long to get it fixed. Shipping is no problem because I'm only one state away from TX. Can't wait for Halo 2. Side note for all gamers: TWO WORLDS SUCKS! A friend got it and is deeply disappointed. I didn't expect much but my friend did, so anyone thinking of buying it, don't.