Halo 3


Active Member
Hey everyone i was just wondering how many people that come to this site play halo 3. If you do and you play online list you gamer tag and ill add you mine is KCpg13 i dont have halo 3 as of right now but im getting it for xmas post if you just wanan chat about halo 3 and im more than likely comment back lol


Active Member
My GT is And Im Roy
i will also be on call of duty 4, which in my opinion is more fun than halo when playing by urself.


C Mac74
I think COD4 is much better then Halo 3 - though I haven't used my 360 in the last month because Crysis for PC is better then the both of them.


Active Member
Halo is freaken sweet. I play a bit and pretty much dominate when I do
. Add me up!


Active Member
UCF Wheelman
My times split between Halo and Forza 2. I'm only a lvl 24 Grade 2 Captian, but I've only played 170'ish ranked games (380 social). I played with a "Staff Captian" the other day. He had played 800 ranked and 1270 social games and was only a lvl 23. I was like, 'dude, just give it up, move onto something else lol.'
I like pwning Commanders and Brigadiers though