Halo3 and Gamer Tag


Active Member
Well i don't play a lot of games nor have i played a lot lately cause classes and work have got me caught up right now. but when H3 comes out i will definately make time. My gamer tag is CRAZY FETUS 33 just like that.(all caps and spaces) don't ask bout the name, its a result of a drunk night with friends. if you add me as a friend let me know your from this site cause i don't like to add random ppl. I get on from now and then playing H2 and the Darkness. if you see me on send a party invite.


New Member
My gt is TTR Blueberry i play Gears of War, Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 2, Call of Duty add me o and Madden 08 and soon to come Halo 3


Active Member
Mine is Charger21_SD and my 360 is broke, but I would be playing Halo 2(which I may borrow my friends reg. xbox so I can play that), Call of Duty, GRAW2, NCAA March Madness 07, and of course MAdden 08.


Games- you'll see me on Halo2/3, Gears of War, Fight night 3, carbon
not pony...pin-oy. means filipino.
ill add everyone on this thread. lets get a freakin clan goin on man! salty fishes only gots like 4 members.


mine is hells angle15,,,just like that,,,one space and NO caps,,,,i know i spelled it wrong,,,dont make fun of me,,,,,i was a little woozy that day


Active Member
i wont be able to get on for a couple of days cause my college apartments switched internet providers and now we are straight up wireless. so now i have to buy the adapter for the 360 and i don't know how smooth it will run. so i'm a lil ticked about this. i am going to see how it handles gaming. But keep the GTs coming and a clan sounds good when i am able to get on.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
i wont be able to get on for a couple of days cause my college apartments switched internet providers and now we are straight up wireless. so now i have to buy the adapter for the 360 and i don't know how smooth it will run. so i'm a lil ticked about this. i am going to see how it handles gaming. But keep the GTs coming and a clan sounds good when i am able to get on.
i have the wireless. it runs smooth but youll have to see if they are compatible routers and may have to toggle with the ports. but there is a chance where u can just plug and play.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Yeah Saltyfishes needs a lot more people. I'm proud to say, I thought of the name and started it.

yet im tha confounder who thought of this.. i need some credit too mike!


Active Member
Well ya. LOL No I told you the name and told you to make it. But I felt bored so I did. My 360 isn't even shipped out yet. Going to do that today hopefuly.


Active Member
i left the clan... maybe u should send me a inv?
im never on this tag cus.. well idk but ill be on it i suposse.-xlegitxboosterx
i have a ton of tags which most are free
well here is the list.
KSI Fxxx Buddy (im going to chnage this eventually.)
acconts are mostly for boostibg and when friends come over


Active Member
well i turned my 360 on last night to play H2 and well...now my 360 has the red light syndrome and i have to ship it off. disc tray wont open. only if i push on the bottom part of the tray will it open. so i wont be on for like 3wks now. i will be back on just in time for H3 hopefully. if not i will be barrowing one from my friend wether on not he likes it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
well i turned my 360 on last night to play H2 and well...now my 360 has the red light syndrome and i have to ship it off. disc tray wont open. only if i push on the bottom part of the tray will it open. so i wont be on for like 3wks now. i will be back on just in time for H3 hopefully. if not i will be barrowing one from my friend wether on not he likes it.
YES I"M NOT ALONE! oh well sorry to hear about it. JK LOL