"hammer coral" and "red" ric's not doing so good.


So i picked up some "red" ricorea's ad a "frogspawn" and they were not doing to good in the other persons tank just wondering what i could do to help them out? The ric's are open but there color is not what it should be. There are some that are red the others look orange, so i am thinking either they are not reds or they are bleaching.
The hammer coral looked horrible but it is starting to come out it looks more like a frogspawn or a torch coral to me. But it was under a 150w halide.
1x 250W DE HQI, 2x 65W Compact Fluorescent, 4x Dual Bluemoon LED
What would be best to start out with light wise? I dont want the ric's to bleach but i dont want the hammer to not have enough light. all the ric's are in one spot so i can cover the top of the tank up if need be.
Any other advice? These are my first corals by the way so cut me a break! The zoos are doing GREAT!