Hammer Throwing Shrimp Attacking My Tank


New Member
I have just seen this shrimp wierd looking bug, about 2 inches long attack my hermit crabs. It sits in a hole and waits for the hermit to go past. It then grabs and uses a hammer type of appendage to knock a hole in the shell. Does anyone know what this is and if it is a threat to the fish and other creatures, such as CORAL BANDED SHRIMP> PLEASE help.
There are plenty of folks who want them so don't hurt him getting him out of the tank. Use club soda instead of boiling water...safer for both you and the mantis...and works well. You can sell him on ---- or on the mantis shrimp forum at <a href="http://www.reefcentral.com" target="_blank">www.reefcentral.com</a> Be very careful not to get hit by him, he will hurt you. Good luck


New Member
At the moment he seems harmless and is not capable of hurting me, because he hit me when I rescued a hermit. I have grown to like me and can't get him out but will try hyposalinity, then either boiling water or soda. He has blocked his hole up with rocks, do they usually do this, they are fascinating.


That's why some people want them for a species only tank. If you leave it in your 150 you will have a very large species only tank.


Yes as cute as this little devil is he does not belong in your tank. Cute things turn ugly in a hurry. How cute will he be once he eats your favorite fish? Mantis shrimp will dart out of their hole and grab a hold of a fish as it swims by or as you have seen small crabs. Have you heard the clicking sounds coming from your tank yet? Get him out of there.