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small, finely chopped pieces of krill, squid, or silversides work well also. basicly anything raw, seafood, and meaty.
Do you buy your seafood prepackaged at the lfs or do you go to the seafood counter? Also, how often do you spot feed and do you put the turkey baster right in the middle of their tentacles. I did this tonight, slowly squizing and letting the mysis shrimp come out. My torch seemed to keep every piece of shrimp I gave him, but with my frogspawn seemed to have a tougher time holding onto it, but I did see some of the shrimp stuck to his tentacles, so I'm sure he got some. I just had to try and keep my cleaner shrimp away because they were wanting to steal the food. My frogspawn has 7 branches (or heads), do I need to feed each one, or just one, since they share the same body. (Does that even make sense?)
Sorry for all the questions. The lady at the lfs (NOT the person I normally deal with) told me I wouldn't need to do any special feeding besides what I do for my feather dusters, feeding them Phytoplex as long as I keep my calcium up, that would need to be my biggest concern. BUT I'm learning that's not exactly true. So I'm doing some more research and wanting to make sure I keep my new corals happy.