Hand caught or tank raised?



Just wondering what type of fish is better for a reef tank.


id go with tank raised they seem less prone to disease, arnt picky eaters and are already adjusted to captivity.


Hand caught fish are depleting Hawaii's coral reefs, especially in the beautiful tourquoise waters off the Kona shore. I've seen an estimate as high as 10 dead fish for every one that makes it home from the fish store.
Yellow tang are becoming scarce in the wild in some places.
Tank raised fish are more likely to be diseased and parasite free, are more apt to eat a wide variety of food stuffs and generally adjust better to tank life.
Knowing this, why would anyone buy a wild caught fish when a tank raised was available?
Tank raised fish may be the only way to actually preserve the hobby that we all love. As more and more areas are forced to shut down their waters to fishing in order to avoid loss of biodiversity.


Go hand caught and tank raised. It may cost more but is inviornmentaly friendly.


What I have read (repeatedly) is that tank raised do better overall.
If you had to buy hand caught, the smaller the animal, the better. Apparently younger animals are more capable of adjustment than the older ones that have lived their lives in the sea for a long time. They just dont adjust as well to a tank after living that long in the ocean.


Active Member
Where possible tank raised where not hand caught which gives you a better chance of getting a healthy fish that will "live long and prosper" (my old klingon saying).


Best choice- Tank Raised, Second best- Hand/net caught, Worst- Cyinide fishing. There was a good article in Scientific America a while ago about cyinide fish. They said that less like 7% persent will ever make it to a home aquarium. Talk to your lfs to find out how they got there fish. If you buy a fish that was used by cyinide fishing, you'd only be supporting doing that in the long run, so just dont buy it.

nm reef

Active Member
Even though I've only been keeping saltwater for a short time I have already come to the conclusion that the future of reef keeping will be tank raised/bred/propagated specimans..........depletion of resources will continue to increase..........and tank raised.........captative bred will continue to improve in varity and selection.......just my 2cents :p
Hi Amanda, Id get tank raised if they are available. As previous post note they seem to best going from tank to tank rather than ocean to tank. Goodluck :D