Hand Feeding Clown and Niger Trigger


New Member
I am a New Owner of a 75 G saltwater tank, have spent alot of time setting this up, I have added the last addition to the tank family and have a Question about feeding. At this time I have in this Tank ( some will be moved within the next month to 6 weeks )
1 Clown trigger ( baby ) 3"
1 Niger Trigger ( baby ) 4"
1 Koran Angel ( baby ) 4"
1 onespot foxface (baby) 4"
1 longface puffer
6 Damsels ( 2 fourstripe, 2 yellowtail, 2 electric blue )
The Damsels and the longface puffer will be going into another tank and I do know that when the clown trigger is full grown he will need a larger tank, My question is where I purchased the food, which is frozen prime reef cubes they told me 1 1/2 cubes per day, but all the fish still seemed hungry, So I have been giving them the flake prime reef in the mornings and 1 cube of frozen topped off with a little flake in the evening, I do warm the cube to room temp before feeding. They all enjoy this, But I did want to try to hand feed the triggers I just dont know what to feed them, I would like it to be a treat of some sort, when I do feed them the food is gone within 2 minutes, I do not want to over feed or under feed them, I am use to taking care of our freshwater tank so this is all new to me, most of the things I have learned about these fish have been from reading on the internet, when I purchased the clown trigger, I was never told the 75 g was to small of a tank, but I already knew and was waiting for someone to speak up which they never did, so I would rather ask someone who has triggers and are not just trying to get a sale that day ! Thank you for any help on this matter and have a Great Day.


i wouldnt recommened hand feeding triggers cause they can bite,but i doubt it wouldn't be too bad if you got bitten cause there babys. But i do believe feeding them freeze dried krill would work.


I have 2 triggers and a puffer and I hand feed them freeze dried krill soaked in vitamins. Some squid from the market works as well. I've gotten nipped by the triggers before and it doesn't hurt..at least now it doesn't since he's only 4-5 inches. When they get bigger, hand feeding may be a different story.


I get a box of squid from the local bait shop. I clean two whole squid then cut it into about 1/8"-1/4" cubes for the triggers. I slowly add it to the tank about 10 pieces at a time. The puffer is way to slow to get anything. So, I feed him by hand. Usually a whole cleaned piece. If they can’t eat it in one bite they run with it and start fighting over it. So, It’s best to make the pieces small enough so they can swallow it in one bite. Now, when hand feeding the puffer I dangle a whole piece in the tank and the puffer will come to it. and eat it like corn on the cobb. The Triggers might nip at it but they can't compete with the puffer this way. Give it a try.


New Member
Thank you for the advice on how and what to feed these guys, I did go get some squid, cut it up as small as i could get it and then tryed it right at feeding time, the first one up was the longnose puffer, then the koran angel, and then the clown, they all had a bite but the one who seemed to enjoy it the most was the koran angel ( Grace ) the niger would not come over, he is still kind of shy, Thanks again