handfeeding fish?



Does anyone else handfeed fish... and which fish take to it well? I am starting to handfeed my shark more, though I don't quite trust him yet.


Active Member
I hand feed most of my fish from lions groupers puffers all type including the shark the trigger and wrasses and eel i stay clear from thoses bugger like fresh meat all to well. only stick feed the eel .as for the spotted bamboo shark for now hes in a shallow tank thats easy to reach into all by himself so he gets what ever goes into the tank.I have hand fed him from day 1 hes about 10 inches long he has gotten ahold of my finger by mistake a couple of times so far it doesnt hurt its more like a suction cup than an accual bite but it does tend to make one nervous when it happens lol i just gently shake him off my finger then feed him more food.I find it more personal interaction with the fish and they do seem to associate me over anyone else in my home as their caretaker .if i walk near the tanks they come right up to the glass that im close to ,but if any other person goes by they dont seem to care and just swim as normal.its kinda cool to find out some fish accually do have brains.the shark comes by scent and water splashing.but still fun to feed


Active Member
I dont have any Man Eaters but my Sailfin, CBBF, BS Cleaner Wrasse and Hawkfish take food from my hand. The Hawk will come and just sit in my hand and eat. Some times the FM Clown will come and try to take a bite out of me,


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
i would but i'm afraid of toxins on my hand/arm that would get into the tank

Should be just as concerened about "toxins" in the tank getting on your hands/arms/small cuts etc...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Should be just as concerened about "toxins" in the tank getting on your hands/arms/small cuts etc...
thats true too


Some of my fish have been handfeeding for a long time but lately I have begun handfeeding most of them. I enjoy doing this because it is really the only way to physically interact with these pets. Also, it makes it simple to regulate how much food they are getting. I've only been feeding my snowflake by hand for a couple days. He's the one that makes me nervous with those sharp teeth and poor eyesight. I know there is someone else here who handfeeds a baby sfe. Anyone else handfeed eels?


Active Member
I hand feed my sfe's one only goes after silversides and chopped shrimp and the other will only take a frozen home made mix. The 2 clowns scisssor goby and yellow tang are right there eatting no matter what it is. the only ones that wont feed from hand are the niger and the mandarin gobby and the mandy doesn't do it for obvious reasons. heck even the shirmp have eaten from hand .
JCRIM: as far as the eel bite goes Mine aren't nearly as big as yours but I get nipped at all the time and it's nothing . feels like something bumping my finger.


Originally Posted by mitzel
JCRIM: as far as the eel bite goes Mine aren't nearly as big as yours but I get nipped at all the time and it's nothing . feels like something bumping my finger.
I had a good size jeweled moray a few years back that barely grazed me with its teeth... sliced right through my finger. The teeth were so sharp I actually barely felt it.


Active Member
YEA sure it did .
ya big baby. Did the whaaaaaaaambulance have to take you to the hospital ? JK