Handicap Crab??? -


My Crab, which I thought was an "Emerald Crab" that came with a Cleaning Crew Package (Not SWF.Com) quite a while ago... I hadn't seen him in a long time and just did the other day... he appears to have NO Rear extremities and drags himself arround by his "Claws"... Is this normal, and is it acutually an Emerald Crab at all?



there is a crab similar to emerald but not green dont have my book with me to look it up. there is a similar thread about emerald crab missing parts.


Active Member
the amazing thing is he still has a will to live, that determined little bugger will do everything he can to survive. Kinda gives you a whole new respect for the determination of life.


Active Member
he looks like he might be albino. (can crustaceans be albino?) hmm. now my curiosity is piqued. ok after some quick research crabs can be albino very rare. if it is an albino emerald crab you have a one in a million pet there. I hope he lives.
I just got a good look at my emerald crab and compared it to your crab. I am 90% positive that it is an albino emerald crab.


Active Member
I had an emerald crab that was huge and really bright green. I switched my tanks from a 37 column and 90 gallon to my 125. I only saw him a couple times and he was just as pale as your! I don't know why he got so pale, but he never lost limbs. I actually have no seen him in months and recently bought 2 smaller emeralds that I've seen a couple times.


Active Member
He was either born without legs, or he got in a nasty fight with another crab and the other crab won.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
He was either born without legs, or he got in a nasty fight with another crab and the other crab won.

I think imma have to go with your theory


Still "dragging" himself around... I saw him out today around feeding time... He was upside down the other night and it was amazing to watch him grab on to a nearby rock and flip himself over...
I "had" 2 "Emerald" (one sold as emerald although one was REALLY Reddish) Crabs about 5-6 months ago... The Red One was SUPER active and would come out to the glass all the time (see Thread below)... now that i think about it... the White one may have been a "hitchhiker" on my Rock or a Piece of coral...he just kind of showed up one day (complete with rear legs).
I haven't seen the reddish one for at least a month, maybe more... he might not be around any more...
The "Albino" guy seems to be doing OK as best I can tell... I slightly overfeed from time to time, so I know some of the food gets down there to Sand Level so he can get some...


Active Member
since we are talking about crabs... i recently discovered 2 hitchikers and caught one of them and put them in my 10gal fowlr... he is about the size of my thumb nail... can they kill fish (will have a p. clown and domino damsel after tank cycles)???
thanks and sorry im not trying to highjack this thread...