Hang On Protein Skimmers


I personally like the cpr dual bak pak. It seems to work really good. I know that a lot of people do not like the prizm's, but I have to say, I personally like them. I've used them for the last 4 years, and even put a pro deluxe on my new tank. Some say it's noisy, or that it needs too much finicky work, but my experience is, once it's set up, after about a week, all I do is check the cup and it works exceptionally well.
The cpr though, I REALLY like. You can even find some 'knock off' versions which will do the same thing, just less money because of the lack of the cpr brand.


I've only had an Aqua C Remora and it's a about 18 months old and still skimming away.


I have a seaclone 100 and i hate it. Just a matter of time before I get a new one. Trying to hold out until build my sump / fuge. Seaclone needs constant cleaning and adjustment


I have the dual bak pak. My tank is clear & the extra filter doesn't hurt!! You have reserves that you empty out. Everything is REALLY easy!!


I just put a coralife super skimmer 125 on my 55gal tank, and it is awesome. I will warn you though that the pump and the bubble trape are HUGE!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RaveChild
I just put a coralife super skimmer 125 on my 55gal tank, and it is awesome. I will warn you though that the pump and the bubble trape are HUGE!
The pump is not too bad, but the bubble dissuser box is big....but its easy to rectify.......Just pull out the entire bubble box assembly and slip a foam filter sleeve lkike they have over the strainers on Danner Mag drive pumps......works like a charm, and its only 2" in diam and needs to be in the water no more than 3/4 to 1" for it to work without making micro bubbles or noise.


The pump is not too bad, but the bubble dissuser box is big....but its easy to rectify.......Just pull out the entire bubble box assembly and slip a foam filter sleeve lkike they have over the strainers on Danner Mag drive pumps......works like a charm, and its only 2" in diam and needs to be in the water no more than 3/4 to 1" for it to work without making micro bubbles or noise.
Where would I find one of these strainers??


I've used a Remora in the past, and currently have the CPR dual Bacpack on a 50 gallon tank. Either would be an excellent choice.


Active Member
Look on most any webiste that sells Danner Mag drive pumps. They usually have parts and accessories listed. The ones that fit the MAG 3 & 5 work fine on a 65 model CSS, and the Mag 5 will fit on a larger CSS as will the sleeve for a Mag7..They are about $3.00. YOu may even find a foam filter sleeve at pond supply stores locally. Maybe even Petsmart may have a foam filter sleeve, as they carry a heap of different filter parts and accessories. They are approximately 2" in diameter, and perhaps 4 inches long. I cut mine down to 2 1/2" overall length.


Active Member
Look on most any webiste that sells Danner Mag drive pumps. They usually have parts and accessories listed. The ones that fit the MAG 3 & 5 work fine on a 65 model CSS, and the Mag 5 will fit on a larger CSS as will the sleeve for a Mag7..They are about $3.00. YOu may even find a foam filter sleeve at pond supply stores locally. Maybe even Petsmart may have a foam filter sleeve, as they carry a heap of different filter parts and accessories. They are approximately 2" in diameter, and perhaps 4 inches long. I cut mine down to 2 1/2" overall length. You could always home brew it from a piece of filter foam like used in the aqua clear or other filters. Just round it out somewhat from a cube so its smaller in size and cut a hole to fit snug on outflow tube, and leave perhaps 1/2 to 3/4" of foam on the end.......


cora life super skimmer its great the skim is unbelievable u can get adry skim that takes out so much the only thing is the difuser make sure u cut the hose so its one inch from the bottom of the box and keep the pump as high as possible sometimes when u shut it add water do change work on tank u get micro bobs for a day or so dont touch the intake valve once its set and it will fix itsself i got this inffo from the company they have a great tech that will call u back and walk u through everything ive tried many things with the difuser box i m going to try that pad that someone recomended to u its proberly top hang on skimmer ive had 1 other seaclone it sucked good luck


I am looking at an AquaC Remora Pro HOB with a drain fitting for a 90-100 gallon. What is the drain fitting for? I am going on vacation for 2 weeks and dont have anyone that I would want to give the responsibilty to to empty the skimmer cup and take care of the tank. Is the drain for an overflow? Any suggestions on what to do while I am away for 2 weeks?


I believe you can attach a piece of tubing and let it drain into a empty milk carton or the like while you are away.