Hang-On Refugiums


I know that the Hang-On Refugiums are not the best choice but it would be my only choice right now. I don't have a problem with nitrates but I am wanting it for growing pods. I read in another thread that there could be a problem if the electricity goes out that it could drain your tank. What would I need to do so this doesn't happen. Thanks...


it wont. It only drains to where the water level is in the tank.
So when the power goes out, the tank drains till it looses sphion.
and the fuge drains till it matches the tank.
On my 75 i have a aquafuge by cpr. On my main tank i have a pinhole in my return so the tank only drains 3/4 inch. my fuge then drains to match that.
I've had my HOB fuge for about a year now with no problems.


DrkDweller - You have been so helpful. I have one more question (I think). The small CPR Refugium is 13 1/4". How much room would I need on the inside of my tank. I have that much room on the back of my tank but on the inside of my tank I only have approximately 12 1/4" because of my center brace on one side and the Remora C pre-filter box (or whatever it's called) on the other side. Thanks again.


I was interested in this also.. My hubby would like a green or blue mandarin but I want to make sure they would have enough food and i saw this in a catalog.


I was wanting a Mandarin also. Hopefully I will be able to fit one of these on the back of my tank. A light doesn't come with the one I was looking at and I'm not sure if I need one just for pods.


As far as light, if it can get through your tank's back panel there will be plenty to grow a garden of calerpa and amphipods in liverock rubble. Some use reverse lighting on macroalgae so your refugium light comes on when main tank light goes off. This would balance out oxygen and Ph levels a bit.
William Fisher


I have a black background on the back of my tank. I don't think it would get any light. Are they necessary for pod growth?


Try a little sand and porous LR rubble. The amphipods crawl around at night a lot. The macroalgae probably will have trouble, but you can always install a lamp later.


Active Member
I run two 18" aquafuges on my 125. They work good. Tons of pods and the macro just holds its own. I have light bleed off from the T5's and indirect sun light from under a covered patio as the only light source. I dumped the Rio pumps that they came with and use a single mag 5 to feed both fuges.