Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation


I need some advice for a hang-on skimmer. I currently have a Seaclone, and it's crap...it does nothing. I've searched the threads here, and it seems like people on here like the AquaC, Prizm or CPR. I always get this nice film on the surface of my water, so I'm thinking a skimmer that actually skims the surface of the water would work nicely for me, rather than one that has a powerhead that sits a few inches below the surface. From what I'm seeing, the AquaC doesn't skim the surface. I'm just hoping some of you can offer advice/recommendations for a decent skimmer. Thanks for your help.


is this going to be in sump .. or on the tank... tank size?


Do a search on the big auctuon site for protein skimmers, i found a Jebo180, to hang on the back until i get my equipment moved into the basement, within three days this thing is pulling out the nasty green,brown skimmate. Im really surprised at how well it is working. Best of all including shipping 44.00.
I know everyone says only buy the two expensive ones, but im not convinced that others wont do a good job for ya. My tank is a 150.
My .02 on the skimmer, if money is an issue(and seems to be with most) this is a great product , performance and cost
I use BACKPACK 2 on my tanks...
It does fantastic job... easy to clean collection cup.. It has bio-bale as well.... I have used them on all my tanks and never have had ANY problems. They run about 130-150 ( if i remember correctly) and well worth the $$$ IMO. I think CPR makes it. I am all about simplicity, price is second but still a factor. I think if you get a good product at the get-go, you'll save in the end cuz....
1 crummy skimmer that cost $75 bucks.(doesnt perform well).. NOW you have to replace it with a little better skimmer and go cheap AGAIN, say $100 bucks = IN THE END, spending what you would have spent on a good one in the FIRST place.. LOL 75+100= $175
VWOOLAH.. $175 more or less and you have a great skimmer! HAHA
Heres the collection cup, notice the nice froffy goo....
Hope this helps, JMO/E, Kim


Active Member
I have an AquaC Remora on my 55 gal and love it. I use a Fluval surface skimmer unit that is attached to the pump via a 3/4" hose and it takes the surface film right off. The Fluval unit costs like $12 on ----, and I have seen units for $18 at my LFS. You only need to get another peice of hosing to attach it as the one provided won't work.


How about for smaller tanks? I was thinking of setting up a reef in a 26g Bowfront. I have heard good things about the Bak Pak 2R (the one with no bio media)
Anyone ever use this type of setup?


Active Member
we use the aqua c pro on our 75 and love it, nice thick skimate,
great foaming action and huge collection cup.
as far as price goes i did not find it to be every much at all compared to others.
PS: dont get the basic model with the rio pump. its junk IMO.
upgrade to the mag you will be very glad you did


i have one of the jebo's and it works wonders on my 135. they are a better skimmer that people give them credit for.


It looks like I'd have to same problem with the Jebo that I currently have...and that's the film on the water surface. It looks like the powerhead on the Jebo sucks water from a few inches below the surface. Do they make a surface skimmer box for use with the Jebos?


I used to have a Seaclone 150 too. I even found a thread where you can add a airstone to it, to make more foam.
First you need an airpump, airline, and small airstone. You will need to disconnect and take it apart to do this. You drill a small hole in the top in the center. Then run the airline with the airstone attached down to the chamber. Then reassemble. Once you crank it up, plug in the airpump. It will create more bubbles in the chamber, to pick up more crap.
It actually worked for a while and I spent very little on supplies.
But later, since I moved into a reef, I bought the Aqua C Remora. I wanted to be sure that I got a good quality one, if I was going to spend the money on corals.
But just my .02!


What are you using as a filter, hang on power filters. something else needs to skim the surface, give us more info. if you use power filters, just buy the hagan surface skimmer and call it done. Although not the best choice of filtering


In addition to the SeaClone skimmer, live rock and a plenum is all I use for filtration. I also have powerheads for water movement.


the plenum is an undergravel water column, a layer of water under the gravel with a tube like the ungergravel filter would have hooked to a powerhead. This draws the water down through the sand bed causing the filtering of water as would a DSB. denitrification and other exchanges happen,
look at squidds article with Leona and y9oull understand better. I certainly do not know nearly what this patient man knows. nor do i have the patience he has.