Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation


I have a Bak Pak2 hang on skimmer that works wonders on my 35 hex. The day I put it together and started it up it cleared up my water considerably. Plus it picks up alot of crud from the water.
Good Luck with your decision.


MBowker-You've almost got it correct. A plenum basically seals off a layer beneath the substrate for denitrification the same as a deep sand bed. There is not a tube hooked up to it drawing water through it because you want it to be a low oxygen area just as a deep sand bed is.


Ive seen them with a lift tube and a powerhead connected acting as an undergravel filter would.. Interesting thought about the low oxygen, I dont know , I have only seen it working on someone elses tank.


Huh...I've never seen them work that way, nor do I think the theory behind them would work if there was a lift tube. I know they recommend using a power head attached to them when you first set them up to draw water and sand down into the mesh, but then you're supposed to remove the lift tube and seal it off. But, whatever works...that's just my understanding of their purpose and how the manufacturer's instructions said it works. That, along with how well it's worked with my tank, has me convinced they work.