Hang On Skimmer??


New Member
Hey guy looking for some help. I had a Oddessy ps75 It was junk. the body cracked. :mad: anyway I figured I don't have room for a in sump skimmer so I have to get a hang on. I have about 200 to spend. I have a 55 gal tank with about 45 lbs of lr and 55 lbs of ls. Any suggestions would be great. thanks


New Member
I have been looking at the Bak-Pak2 and the remora c does anyone know about these two from first hand? also what about the prism skimmer? Thanks for the help


Lota of sites have them for $165. For cheaper than that youd have to get it used off the big auction site


New Member
have one last question... Is the aqua c a pain with adjustments or with water levels? Thanks for ur help


Active Member
i have a amiracle mini quad skimmer , pulls tons of junk out, i got it for $100, i havent had to do 1 thing to it excpt pull the air vavle thing out of the tube which took like 1 second


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Lota of sites have them for $165. For cheaper than that youd have to get it used off the big auction site
For that price I'd get the CoraLife Super Skimmer, much better.


Coralife super skimmer isnt nearly as good as the aqua c. Much bigger in the tank and much more problems


New Member
well after looking at the amiracle mini quad skimmer,I have one more question. I saw that on the aqua c it has a spray bar and the mini quad has venturi what is the advantages over one another? I like the price of the mini but can't get over the great reviews of the aqua c. thanks again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Coralife super skimmer isnt nearly as good as the aqua c. Much bigger in the tank and much more problems

???? Isn't as good???? Umm, really, that would be news to me.. :thinking:


New Member
hey, i have a bakpak and aquac and i ran it side by side on my 55 and the difference between is hugh. Aquac almost triples the waste amout. The difference between venturi and non is one uses air tube to make the bubbles but the aquac doesnt thats the only difference, you dont need the venturi pump for the aquac. I highly recommand aquac over bakpak or corlife by far.


New Member
Thanks everyone for your input. I think Im going to get the Remora with the Mj1200 pump. I like the fact that is slim and doesnt look that noticable. also the fact that there isn't a bunch of adjustments.


Originally Posted by Mr.Sykes
Thanks everyone for your input. I think Im going to get the Remora with the Mj1200 pump. I like the fact that is slim and doesnt look that noticable. also the fact that there isn't a bunch of adjustments.



Originally Posted by SaltFan
???? Isn't as good???? Umm, really, that would be news to me.. :thinking:
Your welcome for the information then!