Hang ons


You obviously seem to be the authority here. I couldn't agree more about the Prism! I don't know what all the praise is about the Prism from people here...I took it off and ran it through the dishwasher, put it in the box, and am shipping right back. That leaves me with a new problem...now what? I really would prefer not doing a sump. The cost is a little prohibitive right now and I am afraid of the horror stories about power outages and overflow. Also, I am VERY tight for spabe behind the tank and can't move it much because I have an AquaStarLight light fixture hanging from the ceiling. It seems like your advice would be to get the Remora Pro with a bigger pump. My tank is a 55L with about 45 pounds LR, crushed coral, a Hippo Tang, a Yellow Tang, a Kole Tang, a pair of Clowns, 2 Scooter Blennies, a Strawberry Pseudo, a Brain Coral, an Alveopora(which from what I've read will die soon, a Maxima Clam, a Bubble Tip Anemone, and a Cleaner Shrimp.
Finally, the question...would the CPR BakPak2 be a good bang for the buck? I really didn't want to spend over $200 for the RemoraPro.


New Member
i dont know but can you post pics of your tank and specs. you have a lot of fish.. i have a 50 gal and need o redo my filters.


I have a Remora Pro in my 125 FOWLR. I have to say that it does wonders for me. It takes out a lot of brown gunk in my tank. But there some annoyances that come with this skimmer.
1. Their will be a lot of micro bubbles flowing back in your tank. A lot in the beginning. Not as bad once its broken in. (But, I have the optional pre-filter that eliminates most of the bubbles but not all which leads me too...)
2. The mag 3 powerhead is HUGE!!! The optional pre-filter hides this but again, this thing is EVEN bigger!! Its a good thing though because it skims water from the top. So, I think you would have to take this into account.
Other than that, I say that its doing its job.


Staff member
When the prism first came out, and everyone was raving, of course, I got one. Disappointed. I used it for my FO and got very little skim. However, down the line, I set up a reef, and the prizm did, for whatever reason, seem to skim more out of the reef tank.
The RemoraPro is good, especially for tight spaces behind the tank. Dubba's details about this skimmer is right on the money. The prefilter is unsightly at first, but, since I have it in my reef, it is now just about covered over with coraline and weedy macros. The prefilter has developed into an ecosystem in and of itself. It is not the best skimmer, though, but if you're tight for back space, it may be your only option.
There is a new PrizmPro, but I don't know how good it is.


Active Member
I picked up a prizm pro for my 70 gallon. So far it is much better than the standard prizm. The collection cup is twice the size of the standard prizm, but I empty it 3 times as often. I do run this one with the valve all the way open compared to the normal prizm where I ran the valve almost all the way shut. The only thing is they included the skimmer option, but it doesn't work at all.


You too Beth!! heheh I too also picked up a prizm after reading many posts here about how good they were. It was for my 55G but I never got it to do anything.
But today I decided to put it into my tank, since its just lying around in the garage. Guess what, its actually foaming stuff into the collection cup. :)