
I can never seem to have happiness in my f/o tank. I have a 25 gl with about 25 lb. of lr.
1 spotted/sharpnosed puffer
1 False gramma
1 cleaner shrimp
1 Camel Shrimp
The fish attacked my sweet clown, so I put him in the qt tank after buying the last 13 lb of lr that didn't help him out any. Now that he is out, the fish are starting to attack the cleaner shrimp and have tactfully removed his antennes (spell check!) so he can't keep them away. I am wanting more in the tank than just the gramma and puffer but I am starting to think this is impossible. If anyone has any ideas it would greatly be appreciated, so I don't decided to take them all back and try with something else. Thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
A 25gal with 25lbs of rock,doesnt sound like theres much room for fish. Is the puffer a meat eater? I think so. Maybe he needs to be in a bigger tank,or by himself. Exactly who is causing the problem? STEVE
Mostly the false gramma, but sometimes the puffer. The puffer usually only bites if something is in her area, the gramma just bites anything that it feels like it should. I took him back to the lfs store and moved swapped the puffer and percula. I am hopeing that since the puffer is the most aggressive, that I can leave the percula in the main tank for a week and two and get it settled, then move my puffer back in. Does that sound like it would work, or are my fish always going to be fighting?


New Member
Both your Puffer and Pseudochromis are generally "nippers". Percula clowns are usually timid and will just gyrate in the current waving their vulnerable fins. Their only protection would be an anemone. Shrimp are also delicate. In nature I believe puffers may actually eat them! If you want to keep a less agressive tank, I would get both the puffer and the pseudochromis (false gramma) OUT. Instead, put back your perc, keep the shrimp, get a Royal Gramma (much more doscile than the false (psuedo)) OR make your tank all agressive, in which case take out the shrimp and perc. GOOD LUCK