Happy 4th of July!

melissa v.

KREACH, thanks for the card,
BIRDI, what two cutie pies you have there, thanks for the eye candy.
Melissa V.


Active Member

Originally posted by MichaelTX
hey it aint the 4th yet is it LOL

So I'm a day early... sue me! ;)


Active Member
kreach card was cool
birdy have to love the little ones i have 1 (3) and 1 on the way in August they make the world go round and life all so good


what the 4th boils down for me LOL
other then the actual celebrations..
it means a night of tryig to keep the dogs from freaking out and tearing things up or hurtig themselfs. and since I live in the county the shoot the fireworks off all up and down the road I live on.
Needless to say I am not looking forward to the nightfall. ;-(
But all in all I like the 4th LOL
happy 4th all


My dog is proud to be an american, where at least she can chase cats, and she won't forget the dogs who died, saving many more, and she'd gladly stand up, next to me and defend whatever I want her to still today, cuz there ain't no doubt she loves this land, God Bless the U.S.A.!
Just the way she seems to Act, the happy butt.


here's the attitude
Well, I had one of her clutching her toy and pig-nosed running about but i guess it got deleted.
Incase anyone's wonderin', her name is Misty and she's a dwarf Lab(40lbs. and 2yrs. old)GSP cross, not mix. hence my name.


Active Member
Hey all - hope everyone survived with all digits intact - lo0ts of loud explosions around us. Found this -thought you might wantto cehck it out - a special on a breding pair that just can't be igonred!! go the the lower right and check out that breeding pair - too bad they are out of stock right now - and WOW can you believe that price??
http://www.palmettoreefs.com/corals.htm ;)