Happy Birthday Indeed...My New 240g Tank!


96x24x24, Reef-Ready, Euro-Braced.
This build won't really start until after the holidays. Plenty of planning ahead. Since this will be my last upgrade, I'm going to take my time!



Originally Posted by reefaholic33
Happy Bday and great tank!! My big tank was also a bday present last year (kinda to myself granted)
Same here.

My wife chipped in by saying, "Just do it already."


Active Member
Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!


Originally Posted by mie
Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!Put it in the wall!
Hahaha! Sorry, the garage is on the other side of the wall.


Active Member
If the garage is on the other side, all the more reason to put in it the wall. Makes it nice and easy!!!
Comeon.... do it!!


Active Member
I dk... I am not concerned... the cars can fend for themselves.
Our garages in AZ have like an extra area on the sides of the garage. It's like an extra 6 feet on either side of the garage for storage and then for extra parking space.
You don't by chance drive a mini do you?


I'm in Central Texas. We don't have mini anything. :)
Garages are almost a must have. We get 1-3 hailstorms every year (sometimes bigger than golfballs). Get stuck out in that and your car will end up with a wicked case of cellulite.


Well-Known Member

Happy Birthday! So...reef tank, fish only? What about a stand if you just can't put it in the wall because you want a car..LOL.