happy day


it was a happy day for my hippo tang. i put him in my 125gal from the 55gal a couple days ago. he loves it in there, swims back and forth the length of the tank. he was definitely too cramped in that 55gal towards the end of his 3 year reign in there. tangs need large tanks he acts so much different in the 125gal.


Nice looking hippo, They are so much fun to watch when they have the room to swim?


i plan on adding about 20-30lbs more of LR. Since i'm going FOWLR i didn't want the "box of rocks" look like in most reef tanks. I figure with more swimming room the fish will like i better. I'm thinking about adding either a juv queen angel, VT lion, or maybe a HQ tusk for the 3rd large fish. any ideas?



Originally posted by jwtrojan44
You've hit on a key point with regards to fish behavior and tank size. Something that a lot of people who keep large fish in small tanks don't ever see, and that is the fishes "normal" behavior and swimming patterns. Certain species that by design, require a lot of room, will act much differently if given the needed space. This is evident when you observe fish in large public aquariums. Tangs are probably one of the best examples.

you couldn't have said it better trojan. after seeing the cahnges in the behavior i will never keep any of the larger tang species ( Acanthurus, Naso, or Paracanthurus)in anything less than a 6ft aquarium. however yellow, purple, and kole tangs i feel can be kept in 55gal tanks, obviously one per tank.


Active Member
I noticed a big difference in my yellow tang when I moved him from my 55 to my 240. I would have swore someone changed fish's on me. Totally different fish after the move.


Active Member
My vote is for the Harlequin Tusk and a great addition. Great looking tank and regal.
How is your long nose doing? Any concerns about water quality with a FOWLR?


I would have to vote for the Harlequin Tusk, I have always wanted one but I am scared that he will eat all my hermit crabs.