Happy days


Some of you may remember my posts about a golden moray that wouldn't eat. Well tonight he went nuts and ate really well. I've had him about 7 months and never seen him eat.


Active Member
Great to hear AC! We never did get a positive ID on that guy, did we? What did he feed on tonight? Did you do anything different? Again, congrats! :)


I'm "pretty sure" he's a golden moray. He ate a mess of silversides. He was actively hunting and just went nuts. This hasn't been the best year for me and tanks, so it really makes me happy to see him eat with attitude.:jumping:
congrats!!! now if i could just get my zebra to eat. he stoped about a month ago. he seems ok, not as active anymore. I have no explanation. the only thing i can think of seems to be impossible. I wondered if he is eating the algea on the algea clip i put in there for my new angel. nothing else touches it and the next monring its all gone. is it possible for eels to eat algea?


did you have and snail in the tank during that time??? anyway it doesn't really matter as long as he's eating now....
by the way i seems to be normal behavior for them to "fast" from time to time...mine has done this twice. once for about 6 weeks and once for about 4...actually come to think of it i think the last time was right around ramadan!!! maybe my eel is muslim!!!!
ok so maybe that was a stretch :rolleyes: