Happy Thanksgiving Everybody !!!


Active Member
May you forget all of those who have crossed you. May you remember all of those that you have crossed. For one freakin' day, call PEACE...
Enjoy family, friends, juicy turkey, beverages,....and give THANKS for all that you and I have in life.
God Bless...


Active Member
Please, designated driver if adult beverages are in your plans.
Gobble, gobble, gobble everyone!!!!


Active Member
Well, I started off my day at 5:00 a.m. because the woman across the street put her barking menace out and let it bark for 20 minutes. I guess I'm thankful it wasn't 4:00 a.m. Peace (AND QUIET) would be wonderful, especially on a holiday. Hope everyone else has courteous neighbors.

tank a holic

Active Member
I wouldn't trade my neighbor's for a million dollars.....
well maybe
but anyway I am deffinately thankful for the best neighbors a guy could have


Staff member
And, here it is 5:15pm EST, and I'm still cooking!

Hope everyone has a great day!
To our service people past and present, especially those serving in far off lands, and to their families, thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Active Member
Thanksgiving always reminds me of this cute story.
My mom was a caterer and had a gift for greating awesome food..... that stopped coming to our table when my Dad was told he had high Cholesterol back in the oatbran craze days.
I went to a friend's house one thanksgiving and no one in her family had high cholestorol... or they didn't care. Cause the fat was ON. I was almost bouncing in my seat.
"There's SKIN on the turkey! We never have skin!".
"There's gravey! We never have gravey!"
"There's butter in ALL the mashed vegetables! We never have butter!"
"OMG! There's salt meat! We NEVER have salt meat!"
My friends little sister amongst this big table of people shouted to her mom. "Mom? Is she poor?"
I hope y'all had fun with your friends and family around the table this Thanksgiving.