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Unfortunately, this is what some men would do. Do you want your wife or girlfriend to ignore being felt up by some low-class at work?
If I went running to the boss every time I felt uncomfortable at work I would have been fired long ago. When I said Be a man ignore it. It means have some thick skin. Look as someone who hold more traditional values he has an entirely different moral set than she does. And I don't know if you've ever worked in the food industry but it is awash with morally devoid people. You're going to have a culture clash. Or they are going to look at you as a target. I can't tell you how many times I've seen girls go after christians just to get them to abandon their morals. It was a contest.
The real and ultimate goal is proselytization. Right?
How is that going to go down if you flat out confront her, or go file a harrasment complaint?
Do the same thing you'd do as a pastor taking steps to not provide an opportunity for something to happen.
DON'T BE ALONE with her.
Keep your distance, (it take 2 people to do anything)
If you do this it should cover you for the most part. And remember 2ndly some girls just have NO CLUE when it comes to their bodies, what they are wearing and what kind of vibes they are giving off. momma never taught.
Now I'm NOT saying that anything goes, but this isn't that big of a deal. You just know now this might be later.