Hardiest Angelfish?


Just looking for a hardiness in general ordering of the following angelfish.


I have had great success with an Emperor.
I'm sure some of the others are also hardy. I've considered the Blueface also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheIrr
Just looking for a hardiness in general ordering of the following angelfish.
With the Regal being the most sensitive and difficult to maintain, the rest can all be pretty much considered equal if the right conditions are present.
I would personally rate the French as the best of the group.
Actually, a couple of the hardier angels aren't on the list, and these are the Koran and Maculosus, the latter of which is almost bullet proof.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheIrr
Just looking for a hardiness in general ordering of the following angelfish.
Here is my take on the heardiest (I have had all of them except for the Regal and Blue)
Emperor/Queen (Equal)
I have had my Blueface and Emperor for 3 years now and no issues. Healthy as can be (both 6-7 inches now). My French was the healthiest, but he was taken back after he ate my gigantic pink Gonoporia
As for the Queens, I have never had any exit my quarentine process. One was perfectly healthy, then my heater malfunctioned and the water temp spiked to 95 overnight. The next one I got was 6 inches and she looked great, came to me with beautiful colors and long streamers. She ate sea weed like mad, but didnt know how to eat flakes. She lasted 5 weeks in QT then all of a sudden...boom! Gone. No clue why.


I've had a queen now for two years and doing great. shes now about 7 inches. I also have a french(4 inch) since November and also doing great in the same tank.
hey campbell57
do you have the blueface and the emperor in the same tank? if so, any problems?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
I've had a queen now for two years and doing great. shes now about 7 inches. I also have a french(4 inch) since November and also doing great in the same tank.
hey campbell57
do you have the blueface and the emperor in the same tank? if so, any problems?
Yeah I have both in the same tank and they are fine. I have had the Emperor since he was a juvy and is now over 6inch. When I upgraded to the 180, I put them in together and they have been fine. I have a lot of rock work for them to hide in.


I agree with Lesley, and have to ask what sized tank you have. How much LR do you have and how old is this system?


Active Member
You know I have a new 190 gallon 6 foot by 2 foot tank and I wanted to get a Blue faced angel but decided against it as this fish and most of the ones that you mention get to 18 inches long and a lot of people think that full grown ones of this size need a 250 to 300 gallon size tank to be happy. Well, to me 18 inches is too big to keep in a tank that is only 24 inches wide. Can you see turning around and almost being as wide as the tank that you live in? Well, I decided to do two angels that only get to 10 or 12 inches.....I have a Majestic angel and a Goldflake angel together in the new 190. I also considered the Scribbled angelfish which gets to about 10 inches. All three of the ones that I mentioned are hardy if one gets a healthy one that is eating to begin with. The single most important thing you need to do when purchasing a large angel is to make sure you see it eating before you purchase it. Quite a few are caught with cyanide and look healthy but will never eat and will die. Lesley


I understand your point of not putting an 18 inch fish in a 24" tank but if you get a JUVI angel (3-4") , it would take years for that angel to that big. Also , 18" size is attained by fish that stay in the Ocean , not in a fish tank . If and when it gets to that point you can either upgrade if give it to someone with the right size tank. If everyone followed the 250-300 rule, then the majority of people on this site wouldnt have these angels, which many do .


Active Member
It is not true that they won't grow as big in a fish tank as in the ocean... it is just that most die before they reach this size in captivity (probably form being in too small of quarters). These fish may grow slowly, but not so slowly that one should not start out with at least a 180 gallon for a Queen or Blueface size angelfish. I want my fish to thrive, not just survive. I would not get one of the fish that can grow to 16 to 18 inches unless I planned to get an 8 foot tank in the next five years (and I never want to go that big). What is wrong with getting the smaller ones like the three I listed? I know, I wanted a bluefaced too but decided against it for long term in the 190, besides I wanted to keep two angels which can be done if one chooses less agressive species and puts them in at the same time. Lesley