Hardy Angels?


I was considering trying an angel fish in the next few months. Of the larger angels i was wandering which are the hardiest? Keep in mind im wanting to know from juvenile stage. Is one easier to keep, healthier, less prone to ick and so on.
also any info on the emperor and queen would be especially appreciated.


Active Member
I would stick with one of the medium sized ones like the majestic (10 to 12 inches) which I have found to be hardy and do well as long as you see the one that you get eating before purchase. I have had two (not together) in the last 5 years. Both survived ich and one even survived a tank that was immature that spiked with nitrite while I was away on vacation. I have also read that the scribbled angelfish (10 to 12 inches) are hardy fish that do well in captivity. May be difficult to find an immature scribbled though. Hardly anyone has Scribbled angels this time of year. Both the queen and the emperor Can grow 16 to 18 inches but may not get as big in captivity. Most sites say that the Queens and the Emperors need at least a 180 gallon. The first two could live out their whole lives in the 125 and be happy, not the bigger two though. I would only get the bigger ones if you plan to upgrade to at least a 180 gallon in the next three years. I have a 180 gallon and still will not purchase a Queen or another one I like, the Bluefaced angel as they would be too big to have fun in all my caves that I make with the live rock. I am going to add a Scribbled to my 180 gallon tank next Friday with the Majestic. Will let you know how it goes. He did fine with a goldflake that I had that died from what I think was worms. Goldflakes are beautiful medium sized angelfish but seem to be delicate and they run 350 to 400 bucks each. Too expensive for a fish that is easy to die in captivity. Lesley


Active Member
If you have the room the koran is sid to be hardy, I personally hve had no luck with angels, after 2 juvi emporers, and a changing koran I gave up a year ago desite great water quality they just died aftr doing great for 3-4 months.


Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
I was considering trying an angel fish in the next few months. Of the larger angels i was wandering which are the hardiest? Keep in mind im wanting to know from juvenile stage. Is one easier to keep, healthier, less prone to ick and so on.
also any info on the emperor and queen would be especially appreciated.
How much rock do you have and how old is your tank. Angel's prefer a mature system. If you're going for a larger angel then be certain that your rock is over 9 months old. Angels like to graze all day long. Your rock has to be mature.


I have 90 lbs of live rock and the system is about 10 months old. Since i upgraded from the 75 to the 125 things have been very healthy.