hardy colorful fish


I just recently had an ich breakout and while doing hypo they died from what I believe was an ammonia spike caused by two dead turbos that I didnt find until it was too late. I am going to wait about 3 weeks to make sure that the ich is dead in my tank until I add a new fish.
What are some good colorful fish that will do good in a 30 gallon besides clownfish or royal grammas that are hardy and have alot of personality once I decide to get some new ones?


ive heard six lines have good personalities, dont get too large either. Maybe a couple of neon gobies. they're supposed to help with parasites too.


Active Member
I have a six line and i love him! It just swims through the rock. Peaceful fish if its the only wrasse in the tank, and like SLO said they do not get big.