Hardy small fish.

I am on my 4th month of this hobby, and ich cleaned out my fish nine days ago, I am left with 20 gallons(tall hex), 15lbs live rock and my coral banded shrimp leading my cleaning crew charge. My question is what to add? Tank raised clown comes t my mide, but I am loooking for other ideas. I will not start this for 3 more weeks, but even then how do I know my tank is not to toxic with ich?? Did 20% change yesterday :)

sinner's girl

Hey, you many want to go to the other baord on treatment. It'll have lots on ich, how long before it's gone and all that.
I'm only repling since there have been 31 views and no replies.
as far as hardy fish, clown, damsels are two i know of.


Active Member
just wait at least a month, the ick will die
and clown fish or a pair of firefish or even a a pair of bengaii cardinals, there are many fish that you could add, just as long as they are small and will stay that way, 1 or 2 may be fine


Active Member
30 days no fish will allow ich to go through it's cycle and die out of your tank, I thinks it's 20something days but 30 will do it for sure. Sorry for your loss.


Go atleast 30 days without fish 45 even better. Dont forget to quarantine any new fish for two weeks before you put it in the main tank. As far as small and hardy you cant beat a six line wrasse, they are colorful and truely fun to watch.

tru conch

Active Member
another great little hardy fish are the green chromis. very corolful and hardy, not to metion peaceful as well. hth


I would say add a Cinnamon Clown... very pretty fish, great personality, unusual, fun to watch, and not to mention VERY HARDY... :D