harlequin tusk in a reef


Active Member
whats everyone think about having a harlequin tusk in a reef with large scarlet banded cleaner shrimp how is there temperment with fairy wrasses and other fish?


Active Member
They are very shy fish that do well with others except for groupers. They do grow very large though. I think around 10"?
They also need a 50g tank at least.
I read about them a few days ago, ;)


I havent heard anything about them being aggressive to other fish. They will munch on your inverts though including hermits, crabs and shrimp. You say its a large banded so it might go the other way. I had a large coral banded in with a medium sized lion fish and the lion lived in fear of that shrimp even though its its natural food in the wild and was there first.
I have since changed out fish(not because of that) and the damned shrimp killed two clowns. Its now in the gulag(refugium) and clawless(result of catching it and being too ticked to care if i injured it).
BTW a tusk needs at least a 75 and some might say bigger, they can get pretty big.


Active Member
Am I READING this correctly??
You actually took the claws off your coral banded shrimp and put him in your refugium???????????????????????????
For killing you clowns???????????????????????????
Firt of all: They can only kill clowns if they can catch them. This means they were hurt or dying in the first place!!
I am sorry but I AM PISSED!!
How DARE you do something so cruel!!!!!
I am not going to say anything more here due to the fact that I like this forum and wish to stay here.


Active Member
yeah that kind of pisses me off as well. It is a natural predator...care and understanding should be given to all of the earths creatures regardless of what it kills.


That pissed me off too
you cant punish an animal for its natural behavior. you are one sick individual harlequin


I think you guys might be jumping to conclusions. He never said he removed the claws. He said it happened as a result of being captured. He may be guilty of being a little careless when catching him but that's very different than purposefully removing the claws.


Active Member
wow this got interesting and a bit aggressive but hey what i ment to say is that i have scarlet banded cleaner shrimp not a coral banded sorry for the confusion



Originally posted by flamingkingofhe
whats everyone think about having a harlequin tusk in a reef with large scarlet banded cleaner shrimp how is there temperment with fairy wrasses and other fish?

I have a buddy who had one in his reef tank. I was suprised to learn they do very well in a larger reef. The key is to get one from Australia and not the Philippines. The cost will be a lot more but you'll get a fish that wasn't caught with cyanide.
Their dirty fish and need lots of meaty foods, so they will add a LOT to your bio load.


Active Member
I guess I should apologize. Everyone loses it sometimes.
I hope I read things wrong.
Anyhow, do a google search "harlequin tusk reef".
You will find all kinds of info. HTH
Again: sorry Harlequin


wow, that got nasty fast. NO I DID NOT PURPOSELY PULL THE CLAWS OFF MY CBS!!!! They came off while I was trying to catch it with a net. And during the extensive process of catching it half of my rock was on my living room floor, just to show how not easy it was to catch it. The big claws will grow back shortly and it does have secondary claws which usually do most of the non-violence related activities like normal eating in the first place, besides in the fuge it remains the biggest baddest thing in the tank with alot of aggressive posturing towards the grass shrimp residents there.
BTW the clowns were not hurt or dying, they were just brand new and teeny babies so their swimming skills were not yet up to par, not that a clowns ever are anyway. They kinda just waddle around(if thats possible).
__Big Mac__ Does your friend have it in with inverts like a clean up crew? i know they wont mess with corals, but I have always read and heard mobile inverts were toast.
The Philipines have actually improved greatly inthe catching of fish. Cyanide use is definately not as common as it once was thanks to a massive net donation and training program.
Australian tuskfish are definately the better fish though but not because of cyanide use, the colors are much more vivid and bright.


it don't matter how you caught him i dont care but people on this board need to lighten up a bit! he said he caught him with a net and in the process it lost its claws, poor little crab. maybe if we thought they way about people wouldn't have homeless and starving people! you guys and gals sometimes shock me at the cost you"ll to save a fish, but you probably fish fw all the time and dont care? b4 we beat down somebody over A 10.00 CORAL BANDED THINK FIRST.
now you pissed me off.
sorry. my opinion


here here,,, what do you people thank you are the fish GODs, don't be so fast to flip out, theres no need to get mad and run some one down.:eek: :nope:


New Member
We just got a tusk about a month ago in a 125 gal. FOWLR tank with:
1 yellow tang
1 blue tang
1 bird wrasse
1 brown saddle wrasse
1 porcupine puffer
3 small damsels
We did have a picasso triggerfish but he took a good chunk out of the tusk's tail. We traded him in for a few other smaller fish for my 12g. Eclipe. He's a lot happier without that trigger constantly chasing him. Surprisingly, he doesn't bother the small damsels but he does something very weird. When the tank lights are out, he literally swims upside down, sideways, does a 360. One time, he was floating on his side near the top of the tank and we thought he was dead. Nope, he just 'woke' up and swam off. He eats very well, no visible signs of stress or anything else like that. Does anyone else have the same 'problem'?


dont feel bad harlequin they probably come off as a defensive move.you prob grabbed it by the claw and im sure it released it so it could get away.And as somebody else mentioned they will grow back no big deal