wow, that got nasty fast. NO I DID NOT PURPOSELY PULL THE CLAWS OFF MY CBS!!!! They came off while I was trying to catch it with a net. And during the extensive process of catching it half of my rock was on my living room floor, just to show how not easy it was to catch it. The big claws will grow back shortly and it does have secondary claws which usually do most of the non-violence related activities like normal eating in the first place, besides in the fuge it remains the biggest baddest thing in the tank with alot of aggressive posturing towards the grass shrimp residents there.
BTW the clowns were not hurt or dying, they were just brand new and teeny babies so their swimming skills were not yet up to par, not that a clowns ever are anyway. They kinda just waddle around(if thats possible).
__Big Mac__ Does your friend have it in with inverts like a clean up crew? i know they wont mess with corals, but I have always read and heard mobile inverts were toast.
The Philipines have actually improved greatly inthe catching of fish. Cyanide use is definately not as common as it once was thanks to a massive net donation and training program.
Australian tuskfish are definately the better fish though but not because of cyanide use, the colors are much more vivid and bright.