Harlequin Tusk & Picasso Trigger?


New Member
ok my LFS has a 5" harlequin tusk and im dying to get my hands on it. The only problem is that i have a 3-3.5" humu humu or picasso trigger, im wondering if the sizing would be ok. I read that to keep larger fish w/ triggers but tgis fish isnt just "normal" fish, its got those narly teeth that i love, and yes i know its considered semi-aggressive so i guess that helps my case a little. Thanks in advance for anyone who helps me


Well-Known Member
Harlequin tuskfish can be shy at first, and may be bullied by a trigger. Besides, sooner or later a humu humu is going to lose its sanity and kill the tuskfish. I'm not sure about the Picasso, but humu humu's are, IMHO, destined to be a problem as they grow.