Harlequin tusk - trigger safe or not?


Okay, I've now been advised by multiple people, and some say it can defend itself against triggers, and others say no way it's too peaceful of a fish.
So, can someone point me to some kind of information that states which theory is right? I want to make sure things will be fine if I do go ahead and buy one.
I mean, I can always take it back if it's picked on, but why stress it out that much just to find out?
Thanks in advance,
[ April 30, 2001: Message edited by: marillion ]
welll..........umm..welll as you know i have tried it and this is my conclusion. add him fisrt/make him a inch bigger then the triggers if you can/ and get him feeding before you put the triggers in, if you get him feeding before the triggers are in it will be a lot easier to use a feeder stick without the triggers going after it on sight. i think they can hold their own and show the triggers are, but lionfish is the guy you wanna listen to he loves them.


I don't know, that tusk, from my reading, is one tough fish. I would think once he was acclimated, he would do just fine. Of course, it would matter a great deal on size of him and the trigger/s, and the kind of triggers you are talking about.


LionFish says......
Well, this is a rather tough call because you haven't mentioned what triggers will go with it. It would do fine with most triggers but if the triggers will be either an Undulated or Queen I would say no. But if it any of the others it should be fine. These are big fish that don't take crap from anyone. They can defend themselves pretty well and with those teeth it no wonder why. If you put the Tusk in first and give him an inch or 2 more than the next trigger than every thing will be fine. You have heard correctly that they are peaceful..... to an extent. They are peaceful until they start getting picked on. They can go head to head with a lot of fish.


That's what I wanted to hear. I will try it out. It's such a beautiful fish. It'll be with a clown, huma, and bluejaw trigger, and it will probably be in a 100 gallon, cut down to 84 gallons.
Each trigger won't be more than 3", and the tusk will probably start at 5".
Peace and thanks,