Harlequin Tusk ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Really? I just started noticing them being readily available about the end of Spetember. With it turning summer down in Australia, I thought it would be more available in the coming months? Or is it that it's getting winter here the distrubtors stop importing them?
I beliefly had a 5" Tusk for about a month and a half before I lost him to Ich. Introduced my a new fish I was to stupid to quarantine. He was sold as an Indo, but he was every bit as red and blue as any Australian I've seen. If you plan on buying one online I would go strictly with a Australian, but if you're planning through a LFS, either will work, depending the fish is eating strong and no obivous cynaide effects. I have my QT tanks ready, but was waiting till after X-mas to setup them up/buy fish. Might have to get my butt in gear instead.
SWF.Com carries the Indian Ocean variety; thats where I read about them being available in the summer. I checked the other 2 online sources I've used and both are out of the Aussies; may just be co-incidence, but I know they've almost always had them for months.