Harlequin Tusk


New Member
I am thinking of purchasing one of these fish.
Wanted to know how everybody's experience with them is? Also, is it worth the extra money to get the Australian species? Is one more hardy than the other? Any and all info/expieriences is appreciated! :D :rolleyes:
i had one :( my fav fish!! ya get one they are great, my tang made it get sick and get the aussie more color and hardier


I have one in my 90 gallon FOWLR,they are great fish.Mine is Australian,I have found that besides being more colorful,they are alot hardier.Most of the other,cheaper ones come from the phillipines,they don't acclimate well,and usually don't eat.The Australians have brighter orange and more pink on their tails,and also more bright pink and blue on their fins.

grouper 42

Mine is an Aussie. You can tell them from the non-Aussies because of their accent. Actually is an active and hardy fish. Will eat anything. Doesn't bother any other fish but does not defend itself very well depsite the fact that they look kind of menacing.